New Grower Chandys Virgin Grow :)

is this payback for running out on you for 2 days?! lol and it's pistIL...unless it's carrying which case, I DEMAND TO SEE THE LICENSE lol =P i miss you come back to me, hahahaa
is this payback for running out on you for 2 days?! lol and it's pistIL...unless it's carrying which case, I DEMAND TO SEE THE LICENSE lol =P i miss you come back to me, hahahaa

Oh hells yeah!! Not been the same without you my friend :-p lol. Pistil of course!! Was sat here f ages looking at it thinkin, "that aint right!?.... It aint piston is it?.... of course its not ya numpty, sort your head out.... and stop talking t yourself!!" haha. Pistil it is. Never again shall i fget. Talking of pistIls and grow and stuff. Im sat downstairs on mac (him indoors has finally let me on it) and bloomin heck there aint halfa stench of green goodness wafting from yonder upstairs!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait til the chop!! Im currently weedless as im spending my usually weed money on electric and were sooooooo poor :( Anyone from the UK wants t post me some on the free un i wont say no ;) Palpatations and everything!! I blame Royal Mail. Bunch o twats!! Just had t walk about 40 mins t pick up my cal/mag cus its "too big t deliver" and they had shut 2 mins previously and wouldnt let in!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today has not been successful and the one thing t save me from this is immature. My babies are too young f me t become a weed paedo!! lol!

Is it 'Trichomes all day son!!!!!!!!!!!' by any chance? lol

Bit late to the show, but here now and love the look so far

TRICHOMES ALL DAY SSSSSSSSON!!! :-D ......Ya big cheat!! lol. Thanks f tagging along dude :) :Sharing One: (not that i could share one with you as i have nothing :'( ....but a pretend ones better than nowt!! Well its not but its all i got, lol.
Please allow me to express how F%*$ING hard it is when you don't have any weed. But you've got jars full of curing bud.

".....I know I really shouldn't dip into this jar.
It's only been curing for 3 days.
But dammit I need a bowl.
I would shit in an elevator full of monks for a bowl pack...."
Time ticks by with nothing to smoke.
But alas. The jars! And before you know it, 1/2 of your harvest is gone.

Its extremely unfortunate , but welcome to my life lol.
I'm smokin on some Hindu Kush right now (thank god because otherwise I'd be smoking the under cured AM2) lol
Here ya go bestie :Sharing One:

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FAKE SPLIFFS AIN'T GONNA CUT THE MUSTARD MAN!!!!!!! I need some real life weed in my life!!! Til Thursday I have this issue!!!!!!!!! :,( OH WOE IS ME!! Thanks f rubbing in th fact you have some by the way mush, appreciate it :-p lol. I joke of course. I'm happy for ya that your not as weedless as me, I'm a good pal like that see ;) My messages are clear :-D ...on t replying t the banter thread now... On my phone cus Js kicked me off the comp. Wanker! Lol.
FAKE SPLIFFS AIN'T GONNA CUT THE MUSTARD MAN!!!!!!! I need some real life weed in my life!!! Til Thursday I have this issue!!!!!!!!! :,( OH WOE IS ME!! Thanks f rubbing in th fact you have some by the way mush, appreciate it :-p lol. I joke of course. I'm happy for ya that your not as weedless as me, I'm a good pal like that see ;) My messages are clear :-D ...on t replying t the banter thread now... On my phone cus Js kicked me off the comp. Wanker! Lol.

How does one cut mustard exactly? Just wanted to stop by and say your plants look awsome. Keep up the hard work!
How does one cut mustard exactly? Just wanted to stop by and say your plants look awsome. Keep up the hard work!

Im not quite sure on the logistics of cutting mustard but i know fo sho that fake spliffs are not the way ;) lol. Thanks man, will be putting more piccies on tmora. Not much change on CC but the main cola on APWC has pretty much quadrupled in size!!!!! Hefty as you like :-D ...and still 4ish weeks left!!!! BEAST!!! :-D
Im not quite sure on the logistics of cutting mustard but i know fo sho that fake spliffs are not the way ;) lol. Thanks man, will be putting more piccies on tmora. Not much change on CC but the main cola on APWC has pretty much quadrupled in size!!!!! Hefty as you like :-D ...and still 4ish weeks left!!!! BEAST!!! :-D

Wow you still got 4 weeks on it left? Looks big enough already! Must be feeding it steroids.
Wow you still got 4 weeks on it left? Looks big enough already! Must be feeding it steroids.

TLC and canna baby :-D Cant believe theyre doing as well as they are myself! they had PH issues f ages and recently been starved of cal/mag f long as I've not just been able t by any cus I'm poor and now the postmans holding it hostage but they're still growin well regardless :) Beginners luck probably!! Hope not though or my next lot are doomed :-p lol.