New Grower Chandys Virgin Grow :)

You're obviously Mac based (keyboard) just synch up via iTunes then pull them into a folder. (Then delete from phone) from there, either upload to AFN or get yourself an account on a 3rd party image server that automatically creates multiple types of links when uploaded. Make sure to change settings to private so you aren't sharing them with the whole world....

We do indeed have a mac. Should of got a windows f half the price... cant get t grips with this thing! lol. My issue is i cant find anyway t put a folder on in one go, the comp only lets me do it one by one. My phones the same but find it easier t navigate than this. Probably a really easy way t do it staring me in the face but i most definitely dont see it!!

They are budding up nicely :thumbs:

That Cream Caramel looks friggen happy as a clam! :)

Hopefully theyre out o the danger zone now..... .......32 seconds, lol.

Tis true what they say, these plants can indeed take a beating!! Low PH all there lives, lockout, getting set on fire, wrong light distance f i dont know how long, torn in 2, the calamities are endless yet theyve powered through it all....... Hope its not jsut beginners luck :-p lol
It's way easier and nicer once you get used to how different the GUI (Graphic User Interface)'s a lot more intuitive...that's the problem. Bringing Windows think into a mac world just doesn't work...

You'll get the hang of it...:)
My update in all its glory "AFN smoke out"

So a really terrible thing had happened when i woke up this morning. One of the light rollers had broke and the light was hanging as close to my APWC as you could possibly get it

Safety chain is cheap get some chain at a hardware store. Its cheap insurance against crushed! You don't need anything to heavy. Never trust those yoyos!

- - - Updated - - -

My update in all its glory "AFN smoke out"

So a really terrible thing had happened when i woke up this morning. One of the light rollers had broke and the light was hanging as close to my APWC as you could possibly get it

Safety chain is cheap get some chain at a hardware store. Its cheap insurance against crushed! You don't need anything to heavy. Never trust those yoyos!
It's way easier and nicer once you get used to how different the GUI (Graphic User Interface)'s a lot more intuitive...that's the problem. Bringing Windows think into a mac world just doesn't work...

You'll get the hang of it...:)

Weve had it f 2 years!! haha. My fellas a graphic designer and a computer nerd so i never hardly have a chance t go on it. Only reason i can use it now is because he convinced me t let him have the xbox one in the living room which leaves the comp space free f me :) ......had t sacrifice getting t watch any tele of the evenings but needs must :) .....n this is definitely an improvement on emmerdale, lol.

Safety chain is cheap get some chain at a hardware store. Its cheap insurance against crushed! You don't need anything to heavy. Never trust those yoyos!

Wish id of known before today! I shall have t get me some chains, thanks f the tip my good man :Sharing One: Still want my replacements f sellin me shite tho ;) lol.
Graphic Designers are such mac nerds....;P
Hey Chandy, you have some really nice looking plants there. They are beauties. The burn wont affect your plant in the long run, just a war wound. In regards to your ph, you could be a bit lucky I reckon, your plants are flowering now so a higher ph isnt nearly as bad as if it were veg. It will depend on how much the ph rises, if its ph only gets mid 6's to low 7's you wont suffer to much at all. Anyway good luck with the rest of the grow and I will come back visiting.
Hey Chandy, you have some really nice looking plants there. They are beauties. The burn wont affect your plant in the long run, just a war wound. In regards to your ph, you could be a bit lucky I reckon, your plants are flowering now so a higher ph isnt nearly as bad as if it were veg. It will depend on how much the ph rises, if its ph only gets mid 6's to low 7's you wont suffer to much at all. Anyway good luck with the rest of the grow and I will come back visiting.

Cheers mush :) I guess if the dolomite does its jobs they should still be alright because they'll be in range of normal soil PH which seems successful f everyone else. Wish I'd of seen your thread before I put dolomite in all the pots as It might not be a fair test now If the dolomite ups the soil PH of the one I'm testin canna recommendation on..... But anyways. I shall feed with recommended and canna recommended regardless o soil PH and see how we get on :) Thanks f takin the time t gander through my thread :) Peace.
Graphic Designers are such mac nerds....;P

I Don't buy into all that Mac BS. As a former pc tech in a mixed environment, I can tell you the only true differences between a mac and a pc, is the mac has its own set of problems, and there's nothing you can do on a mac that can't be done equally well on a pc. I've done a lot of photo editing on both. Photoshop on either is about the same. I actually prefer the Unix/Linux platform. Not so much fancy commercial ( read: $$$$$ ) software, but there is plenty that work just as well for 90% of users. And most of that software is free. Lets face it, the average user of photoshop doesn't even know how to use more than 10% of the program. Are macs better?? No, just different so to each his own! :Sharing One: