New Grower CBD Auto-grow Journal v1.02

Those plants look good. Are you growing that Blue Cheese in the tent with the autos? when you have to go to 12/12 for flowering the photo plant you will be cutting bloom hours to the autos; this will reduce the yields.

You can let your tent get warmer all the way up to 90°F if that helps you keep the humidity up. It is a balancing act for sure.

I don't know what you mean by "Early Grow Stage" I recognize Vegetative Stage which for an auto is the first 4-6 weeks Then the flower stage from 5 or so on. Did you download the General Hydroponics excel spreadsheet?
Those plants look good. Are you growing that Blue Cheese in the tent with the autos? when you have to go to 12/12 for flowering the photo plant you will be cutting bloom hours to the autos; this will reduce the yields.

You can let your tent get warmer all the way up to 90°F if that helps you keep the humidity up. It is a balancing act for sure.

I don't know what you mean by "Early Grow Stage" I recognize Vegetative Stage which for an auto is the first 4-6 weeks Then the flower stage from 5 or so on. Did you download the General Hydroponics excel spreadsheet?
I thought I might keep the "Blue Cheese" in the tent till it got too tall or too tight in there, then put it outside. My guess is that the Indica-auto's would be done before the "cheese" will be ready for flower, but maybe not.

I was referring to the nutrient schedule headings on the flora series spreadsheet you sent me. Granted there is vegetative(growth) and then flowering.
With the nutrient schedule there are three stages for vegetative(seedling, early growth, late growth) and different nutrients/strengths for each stage.


...and if I am at "(2)Early Growth" at what % of full strength do you recommend?
I thought I might keep the "Blue Cheese" in the tent till it got too tall or too tight in there, then put it outside. My guess is that the Indica-auto's would be done before the "cheese" will be ready for flower, but maybe not.

I was referring to the nutrient schedule headings on the flora series spreadsheet you sent me. Granted there is vegetative(growth) and then flowering.
With the nutrient schedule there are three stages for vegetative(seedling, early growth, late growth) and different nutrients/strengths for each stage.

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...and if I am at "(2)Early Growth" at what % of full strength do you recommend?
Ok now I got ya. I just use the week number just above the description.This is how I do it. I start at 50% of the chart (just plug in 50 in the strength cell(H2)) and the number of gallons you are preparing (E2). Then each week I increase it 10% until I get a little bit of tip burn then back off 10%. This gives you the nutrient strength dialed in for the strain you are growing. It will be different for different strains; sometimes even different phenos of the same strain. Does that make sense to you?
Ok now I am going to throw a curveball at you and this will be easier with more grow experiences under your belt. If when you look at your three week old auto plant and it does not even show the first signs of blooming then use week three on the chart again for week 4 of the plants life. The idea here is to follow the plants lead with your nutrient schedule. You do not make a plant flower by changing the nutrients rather you provide the nutrients to the stage the plant is in.
Ok now I am going to throw a curveball at you and this will be easier with more grow experiences under your belt. If when you look at your three week old auto plant and it does not even show the first signs of blooming then use week three on the chart again for week 4 of the plants life. The idea here is to follow the plants lead with your nutrient schedule. You do not make a plant flower by changing the nutrients rather you provide the nutrients to the stage the plant is in.

By "blooming" I take it you mean "flowering". So I will be suspended in week 3 nutrients(increasing each 10% each wk until burn, backing off 10%) until blooming/flowering starts before I progress to the transition nutrients. My feeble brain-cells are making good connections, I think!! LOL

By "blooming" I take it you mean "flowering". So I will be suspended in week 3 nutrients(increasing each 10% each wk until burn, backing off 10%) until blooming/flowering starts before I progress to the transition nutrients. My feeble brain-cells are making good connections, I think!! LOL

That is correct. but you may only need to do this if the plants do not show any signs of flowering at the end of week 3.
That is correct. but you may only need to do this if the plants do not show any signs of flowering at the end of week 3.
I have read that most autoflowering strains generally only stay in vegetative state for a couple of weeks. This would suggest that I may never set past 60% - 70% nutes. When would be the "transition?" (what to look for). Would there even be one?
I have read that most autoflowering strains generally only stay in vegetative state for a couple of weeks. This would suggest that I may never set past 60% - 70% nutes. When would be the "transition?" (what to look for). Would there even be one?
You don't just up during the 3rd week. You keep adding 10% each week until small tip burn. So lets say you need to run an extra 3rd week that week would be 60% of week 3 schedule then the next week would be 70% of week 4 then 80% of week 5 etc. until you reach 100% or tip burn whichever occurs first. Transition week is the week after you see the first pistils.

ScreenHunter_129 Apr. 28 11.30.jpg
Yesterday I noticed a defect on a couple of leaves(Blue Mystic). These two leaves used to curl downwards and not they are either straight or curling upwards. The curling is not of great concern as much as the discoloration on the leaves. The defect seems to be confined to the tops of the leaves, not the bottom. Pictures below:



Perhaps this next image is an indication of over watering, and that this is fungus or mold damage??

Yes, I am looking for insight, not only for prevention, but for repair!


...P.S. the small white specks on the leaf in image 1 are not live(bugs)...