New Grower CBD Auto-grow Journal v1.02

I have chosen my "Harvest Mon," or the new moon (July 7th) to harvest King's Kush CBD. My closet is cleaned and ready for the first girl. 32 oz. mason jars, hydrometers, and 8g 60% Bovida packs will be here prior to their need, some 3-10 days later.
So far the conditions in the closet are 57% RH and 72deg. Might have to work at getting that RH down or just dry a bit longer. I'd be happier at 51%-53% RH though. A couple of computer muffin fans are set up and ready to go as well.

Is the process the same for cannabis that will be used for tinctures or butter? Would I have to cure as long?.
Yes and no! Some tinctures and salves are made with fresh cannabis others are cured and decarbed or not. If that does not confuse you then I will try harder next time. Perhaps we can talk about how long is a rope - you answer - No Hou Long is a Chinaman :crying:

Here is a recipe for a good salve that all of my ailing old fart friend use and love. My wife is on her feet all day at work and at night she uses this on her feet. She swears by it.

Ok so I just used 1 oz. of sugar leaf trim cured but not decarbed and 2 cups of coconut oil in the MBII for 8 hours @130°F. Then I used 3 cups of chopped up (in the Cuisinart) fresh leaves from defoliating my current grow in the filtered oil for 4 hours @130°F. in the MBII . Then blend 2 cups of the infused coconut oil, 1/2 cup of olive oil and 2/3 cup of beeswax. Warm to blend.

57% is ok for drying, 50% is the target. Higher humidity is better than lower to a point. You want to dry slowly.

I can say with a degree of certainty that adding strong UVA/UVB light the last 3 weeks of flowering significantly improved the potency. All of the many people I share my meds with are in full agreement about this. I tested this by only exposing half of a plant to the UV lamp and without fail the exposed buds were more potent than the ones that did not get the light. I have not grown without it since then; in fact I found the AgroMax Pure UV t5 48 that really puts out the UV. DO NOT work in the tent with this on.

How many inched from the plant do you have these...?
OK so I just used 1 oz. of sugar leaf trim cured but not decarbed and 2 cups of coconut oil in the MBII for 8 hours @130°F. Then I used 3 cups of chopped up (in the Cuisinart) fresh leaves from defoliating my current grow in the filtered oil for 4 hours @130°F. in the MBII . Then blend 2 cups of the infused coconut oil, 1/2 cup of olive oil and 2/3 cup of beeswax. Warm to blend.

1 oz. cured trim
3 C fresh leaves
2 C coconut oil
1/2 C olive oil
2/3 C beeswax

So given the temperatures that you are using this process will not convert THCA to THC, right. Thus, in the end product you are using THCA
Is there a big CBD component to this? Also: what is a MBII? What ailment are you looking to treat?
1 oz. cured trim
3 C fresh leaves
2 C coconut oil
1/2 C olive oil
2/3 C beeswax

So given the temperatures that you are using this process will not convert THCA to THC, right. Thus, in the end product you are using THCA
Is there a big CBD component to this? Also: what is a MBII? What ailment are you looking to treat?
MBII is a MagicalButter Machine II. It is an extraction machine that eliminates long hours at the stove.

It is not just the ingredients but how they are extracted and put together, don't think you can just throw all that into a pot and get a similar result. The fresh leaves were processed in the Cuisinart because they are too fibrous for the MBII.

The CBD/THC ratios depend on the strains you use. I do not remember what I used. Kind of irrelevant because you or I won't have the same strains available to make it.

Yes I did not decarb as the THCa/CBDa and a whole bunch more have healing actions I want in a salve.

Anything you would treat topically is worth trying it on. Sore muscles aches and pains. I have a friend using it on her arthritic hands. My wife uses it on her feet aching from standing on them all day.
Fertigated Blue Mystic pH'd water with Flawless Finish. This plant, as with the King's Kush CBD, are both about the same with respect to condition and ripeness. The leaves, once dark green and brittle, are now yellow and browning, and are still brittle. Leaves have been falling off. It's possible that I reduced nutrients to soon causing necrotic leaves.


not the best camera used here...

The Blue Cheese is massive in comparison. It's canopy has a diameter of 26-27in. (2sq. ft.) Q: are more or stronger nutes required for larger plants?
Blue Cheese.jpg
Will be harvesting King's Cush CBD tomorrow morning. I have read that following flushing, one should let the plant medium dry out. I've only read this once and my guess is that drying the soil will help dry the plant out in general, making it slightly shorter of a drying time. Ha Ha! But, since you have NO soil, you don't have to worry about this do you??!
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Harvested Blur Mystic yesterday. Trimmed with stalks (wet) 11.6oz. Subtract 75% for water/stalks = 2.9oz possible.
King's Kush CBD was about 9.5oz (wet) ...aprox 2.3oz possible, but lost a bit from bud-rot.

Fertigated Blue Cheese week 8 nutes to 15% runoff (2.5g)
first runoff - pH 5.9
Soil/coco pH - 6.2
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Harvested Blur Mystic yesterday. Trimmed with stalks (wet) 11.6oz. Subtract 75% for water/stalks = 2.9oz possible.
King's Kush CBD was about 9.5oz (wet) ...aprox 2.3oz possible, but lost a bit from bud-rot.

Fertigated Blue Cheese week 8 nutes to 15% runoff (2.5g)
Did that bud rot happen in the tent? If so up the air circulation in there, bigger or more fans.
Did that bud rot happen in the tent? If so up the air circulation in there, bigger or more fans.
Humidity has been between 47% & 60% during these latter stages of flowering. Was hoping to keep it <50%, but had trouble with ambient humidity & temps. The third plant may not have helped, and fans/locations may not have been ideal, but you may be right. The air-con did not seem to reduce humidity as much as I had hoped also.

The Blue Mystic plant seemed to be unable to absorb the moisture from the last watering as the soil was quite moist after several days and yet the plant seemed dry and brittle. Wondering if the plant just shut-down for some reason.