Outdoor Captcold's Think Big Outdoor 2017

And....sunshine has returned! Quick pic of the main Think Big - starting to grow. I took some fan leaves off, trying to get those bud sites going.

and...I'll include the WOS Wild Thais - such different genetics. I've been pretty aggressive trimming them. I'd like their energy to go to the flowers. Following some advice I read in a book. Hope it works!

And finally, the rest of the squad. 2 more Dutch Passion Think Big, 1 Wild Thai, an AK, a Cheez, and a White Widow photo that got into the mix :D
time for the update.....all the Dutch Passion Think Big's I germinated this year, in one shot. My outdoor Grow Battle gal is third from left. Picked the right one, she's putting out for side branching and primary. Let's grow you!

The other three have been cool. Either above or in the ground, consistency has been good. Plants large. All are same age, same media, same Bat Channel....


Peace all....
At 50 days since the sprouted beans went into dirt. Had a few less than great days sunshine wise, but we're good for the past few and a couple more are promised before rain.
Nice group.
Only 40 days to go. I wonder if the one in ground will be the heaviest by then?
Nice group.
Only 40 days to go. I wonder if the one in ground will be the heaviest by then?
same here. I was gonna do two and two, but used the other spot for a photo.

The hole the DP Think Big is in is deep, and wider than the 5gal. There'a a ton of soil in there, maybe 8-10 gals of good medium I put together from advice on AFN.

In theory, bigger root mass = bigger plant. I'm curious if the ruderalis limits total potential. I know some of the heavyweights in here are doing some crazy shit with autos. I'ma gonna see if I can do what they do over the next few years.

Documenting the crap out of this years grow.
same here. I was gonna do two and two, but used the other spot for a photo.

The hole the DP Think Big is in is deep, and wider than the 5gal. There'a a ton of soil in there, maybe 8-10 gals of good medium I put together from advice on AFN.

In theory, bigger root mass = bigger plant. I'm curious if the ruderalis limits total potential. I know some of the heavyweights in here are doing some crazy shit with autos. I'ma gonna see if I can do what they do over the next few years.

Documenting the crap out of this years grow.

Bud....those are gonna yield amazing bud, all of 'em by the looks of things!! Excellent growing captain!! I bet you are gonna pull some great bud from these plants.

Tossed you a shot of rep fella, well done.
Bud....those are gonna yield amazing bud, all of 'em by the looks of things!! Excellent growing captain!! I bet you are gonna pull some great bud from these plants.

Tossed you a shot of rep fella, well done.
Thank you very much man! :cheers:
And....time for an update....

The week has been no hell for sunshine, maybe 3 out of 7 days have had good sun. Lots of rain, and a nasty squall that came through. No real damage to the plants, but two were bent over. They got straightened up right away, and seem to be recovering fine.

Group shot! Same as last week....and same order left to right....

The one on the far right was leaning pretty heavy after high winds, but hasn't seemed to bothered it otw. It's also gone through a pretty good growth spurt, overtaking the others....at 32" now....


Here's my entry for the Outdoor Grow Battle. Filling out well, and more mature than any of the others....almost 32", these two are neck and neck...


The one on the left is chugging along.... just a little shy of the others....


and finally the one in mother earth. It seems a little shorter, might be because of x-plant shock or just loading up for blastoff.....


The biggest ones are at about 18" across in diameter from bud to bud. She's got alot of sites, and about 5-6 weeks I figure to finish. Here's hoping for a ton of sun....


For contrast, here's a snap of the Wild Thai's I put in. Same age, same media...


They're not quite as consistent as the DP Think Big's, but, pretty good.

I've been checking the Think Big's for mold, not a trace. We get some pretty high humidity, extended mist like rain, and temps in the low teens (Celsius :p) - and mold hit me last year pretty hard.

I've heard from some helpful users here on AFN that Dutch Passion's genetics are good for my northern latitude....and they are showing it so far.

C'mon sunshine!!!! Expecting a week of heat and light....here's looking forward to it.....
some internal pics...alternating internodes, and some good flowering sites....!

Gonna be taking off some of the larger fan leaves over the next couple of days....I want that light to get deep under the canopy
