Outdoor Captcold's Think Big Outdoor 2017

I think so, for a couple of reasons. At least logically.....
1. root systems of all bucket plants weren't really that great. They were cool and all, but, I saw lots of room for them to use yet after harvest. While the one in the ground had more dirt avail...this tells me they didn't really need it.
2. No rotation. The ones in the buckets were rotated to take advantage of sun evenly. the one in the ground didn't, and it didn't look like it suffered for it.
3. watering less overall. easier to tell if the buckets needed water. Guessed more on the one in the ground.
4. less defoliation (more trimming after harvest), but same amount for fan leaves and such. Might've had a big impact(?)
good after grow review. im always my worst critic. Your buds look great Cpt Cold!