Play nicely chaps and remember the AFN vibe "Be nice and helpful to all members"!!

it is the oil that lubricates the gears!
You both have your own opinions and your both welcome to have them but just try and walk the path of least resistance.
The term forums literally means "a meeting or medium where ideas and views on particular issues can be exchanged"!
You don't have to agree with each other, just try to be a little diplomatic and not get vexed with with what other people think.
Life really is too short!
The tests carried out here are as honest as we can make them but it will always come down to the person who is testing the product, opinion or view of how well they think it works.
I buy one kind of soap, he buys another kind of soap, each to his own as long as you stay clean ...right?
There are of course pictures of the plants grown under these lights and that should speak for it's self!
If anyone thinks the test are deliberately biased, I would encourage you to not to waste your time following them and be happy posting in your own journal or reading posts you like!
Everyone can make up their own mind to what they like or don't like, such is free will, no one needs anyone else to think for them.
No one is forcing anyone to read or believe anything!
This is a rhetorical reply to the situation and not a reply that points at anyone person.
Shake hands, have a hug and agree to disagree

I truly hope you both enjoy the rest of your day

Put the kettle on have a cup of something and have a huge smoke, I know that works for me!

