New Grower Canna Coco goes to Mephisto’s Wedding

Early MW is really starting to pack it on, both flower mass and frost. Bigger plant is really getting going and both are starting to show a little purple already. The color is possibly from the cool nights with lights off in my basement. The SNxLiversbx1 is so huge for such a small pot it will be interesting and to see how heavy flowering goes.

I backed off the PK, these plants just didn’t seem to want it. Even at 2ml/gal the EC was creeping up. I am also out of town the next 5 days and I am a little nervous….the house sitter has watched the house before and taken care of outside plants for me, but this will be her first time doing coco. I think I have her setup for success she has more than enough water has detailed instructions and I mixed the EC to just 1.25, so as long as she is getting runoff there shouldn’t be any nutrient build up.

Fingers crossed she can keep everything on the rails!

early MW

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bigger MW
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the shape of this plant is funny after I bent the main branch, but bounced back like nothing happened, there is a wicked knuckle there now where I bent it.

SNxLivers BX1
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when I get back from this trip I am gonna get out my Nikon DSLR and take some real pictures, I am tired of whack phone photos.

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Is ya nikon a full frame nikon!!! the d700 is a pukka old school camera cheap as chips these days, i prefer sony alpha 7's these days they weigh nuthing and give amazing shots, lovely plants and great pics too.
Day 53
The house sitter did a great job! All the plants and animals were thriving upon my return. The only issue developing is the larger MW and the SNxLivBX1 are going to need a third watering every day until flowering starts to wrap up. Neither one has started to show any drought stress, but the big MW especially is drying back a bit too much between waterings and I think it’s slowing bud development a little bit.

All plants are very frosty, the big MW especially so, she’s not stacking huge flowers, shaping up to be loads of ping pong to golf ball sized nugs. The shorter MW and the SNxLivBX1 are both stacking big main colas with very nice satellite branches. I expected the shorter MW that started flowering early to be slowing down a bit by now, but she is still throwing out loads of new pistils and not starting to swell yet. Her main cola is gonna be so fat when it starts to ripen more!

I am going to hold the feeding EC at 1.25 for now because the runoff EC is still coming out a little higher at 1.4. That’s within my comfort zone but if it ticks up at all I’ll reduce feeding strength a little more.

Early MW


Taller MW


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Day 58
These MW are some of the frostiest and prettiest plants I have ever grown. The shorter one is especially lovely, mostly due to it’s attractive overall structure. The taller one is not much to look at due to the lanky branches and bent top cola, but so frosty, definitely more frost than the short MW. I think the taller plant started to need more water while I was out of town and being thirsty stressed it a little into some early ripening. The tops of most branches have mostly orange pistils and are plumping up, the lower buds are still mostly white and stacking flowers. My best guess is the setback while I was out of town triggered early ripening. Plant is healthy and so frosty, so if the quality is on point I don’t mind if I lost a little yield.

Long flower time on the MW 75-85 days, so still a ways to go. The shorter MW is gonna be as fat as a soup can before too long, and I still can’t believe how huge the SN x LiversBX1 is for a 1/2gallon pot. She is also getting super frosty now. I think the new LED strips I installed with my 315 CMH should get some of the credit for the extreme frostyness. The CMH already has UVA&B plus deep red spectrum. The UV and the deep red and IR from the strips seems to have really kicked things into high gear.


tall MW


short MW

SN X LiversBX1

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Some very fine looking plants!

How is the odor???


It’s not too bad when the tent is zipped up so the carbon filter can do its thing, but when I have the tent open the smell spreads quickly. I have grown both CDLC and Double Grape and the MW is noticeably stinkier than either.
The smell has really picked up in the last week as they get ready to start ripening.
Day 65
It won’t be long now, all plants are in the final stretch. Pistils have mostly changed color with few new ones forming. The larger MW that started to ripen a little early is getting pretty close, it might come down a little earlier than the other two plants which I am thinking will be done right around day 75. Getting a few amber on the taller MW and the shorter one and the SNxLiversbx1 are mostly cloudy.

Both the MW, especially the shorter one, are putting on a super purple fade and the SNxLivers is a pretty light green that’s still not showing any fade. Starting to get really stinky now, even with everything zipped up the smell creeps up the basement stairs into the kitchen hallway. The top few nugs of the taller MW are riper than the rest of the plant. I am planning on cutting a few of the top branches on day 70. I am dying for a sample, and I think the top few buds will be ready by then.

I have started to really taper off the nutrient strength, feeding and only 0.9 EC now. I like to have it down to between 0.4-0.6 EC by harvest, so should be right on track for that target range.


taller MW

shorter MW


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Day 73
Getting so plump and frosty!
I cut a sample branch off the taller MW on day 70, just dry enough to put in the PAX today. Taste is amazing, and the flowers are so dense and sticky they vape for a long time.
The larger MW is getting really close, very plump and starting to get just a little amber. Smaller MW is really taking her time plumping up, but still drinking quite a bit, pistils are almost all orange now. SNxLiversBX1 is also plumbing up nicely, I think it will yield as much or even a little more than the smaller MW.

They have really dropped off nutrient consumption so I reduced to just 1ml/gal each of A&B and runoff EC is dropping again. I think the taller MW will get chopped on day 76-77, probably similar for the SNxLiversbx1.
The shorter MW is gonna take a little longer I think day 80+.

I am loving the smell of the MW as it dries, so potent. It smells like vanilla cake soaked in gasoline with some funky fruit notes.

Taller MW


shorter MW


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Gorgeous girls @MIAutomatic! Seeing your SN x Livers Bx1 gave me a plan of attack for mine I have going in a baby pot…your cola is beefy AF (we need a flexing smilie!) :thumbsup:

And i’m hanging onto those MWs, looking forward to seeing you post how they smoke!