New Grower Canna Coco goes to Mephisto’s Wedding

Day 8
Plants are 1 week old this morning, and looking really great! I think this is about as good of a start as I could hope for. They are very healthy and growth is already quite vigorous for such young plants. There is a long ways to go, but I am already really liking the 2 gallon pots. It makes this early stage watering a little easier than with 3+ gallon pots, and if I can get 3+oz off each 2 gal I will be happy.

I have added Cannazyme @ 9ml/gal, increased A&B to 5ml/gal each and reduced Rhizo to 5ml/gal. Still just light watering once a day to keep the medium moist and foliar feed 2-3 times a day. I will probably fertigate for the first time in the next 2-3 days.

I have watched a lot of Dr. Bruce Bugbee’s videos over the last year, particularly the ones about lighting. I previously used much lower light intensity with my seedlings, but according to Dr. Bugbee seedlings can handle almost as much light as older plants. These plants have been getting about 40-45 DLI since they came up. The light is at about 30 inches now and when they get a little bigger I’ll move it down to 24 inches and keep it there for the rest of the grow.


Two of the three Mephisto’s Wedding are just a little out in front of the other three and are already starting their third set of leaves.


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I have watched a lot of Dr. Bruce Bugbee’s videos over the last year, particularly the ones about lighting. I previously used much lower light intensity with my seedlings, but according to Dr. Bugbee seedlings can handle almost as much light as older plants. These plants have been getting about 40-45 DLI since they came up. The light is at about 30 inches now and when they get a little bigger I’ll move it down to 24 inches and keep it there for the rest of the grow.

I have my 3-4 day old seedlings under 20'ish DLI. Am I missing out on potential yield/health by not ramping up the intensity during this stage? Your plants look amazing. I'll be following this log and taking notes!
I have my 3-4 day old seedlings under 20'ish DLI. Am I missing out on potential yield/health by not ramping up the intensity during this stage? Your plants look amazing. I'll be following this log and taking notes!
Thanks for the good vibes!

You are probably not missing out on much if any growth, but I doubt I am getting the maximum benefit of higher DLI on my seedlings either. I don’t think I bookmarked that particular video unfortunately, but it’s probably pretty easy to find. I bet a search for “Dr. Bugbee marijuana DLI” would turn it up. To paraphrase I think he basically said, seedlings can handle a similar DLI to mature plants but you need to have all of your other environmentals really dialed in to take full advantage of the higher DLI during the seedling stage. Ideal temps, humidity, nutrients, watering routine, etc. I think I have things pretty dialed in at this point, but I still have a lot of room for improvement.
Day 12
Really humming along now, growth is good and the 2 .5gal pots seem to be catching up to the 2gal pots a little. Right after my last post on day 8 it seemed like growth was slowing just a bit. I probably should have just fertigated then. They were a little sluggish for the next 2 days, but when I fertigated on day 10 growth picked back up almost immediately.
I’ll keep this in mind for the next cycle and just fertigate at day 7-8.

Plants are all staying nice an short, partially genetic I assume since all these plants are majority indica, but the Philips 4200k bulb does a great job of keeping the plants nice and compact for the first 3-4 weeks. I need to keep them compact due to the spacing requirements and the physical dimensions of the light itself. The hood, hanging brackets and filter take up the top foot and the light needs to be about 2 feet from the canopy, so that only leaves me 3.5 feet of vertical space in my 6.5ft tall tent. Someday I’ll get a nice LED but now that I have learned to manage the height restrictions and the heat output of the CMH the 92 CRI plus UVA&B is hard to beat in all but the very best LED setups.

I upped the A&B to 5ml/gal for the first fertigation for a total EC of just over 1.0. I’ll keep it at the same level for the next fertigation and then start to increase it again. I usually top out between 7-8 ml of A&B/gal by peak flowering. I pretty much follow the Canna grow guide set to: 0.4 EC base water, normal feeding with the outputs displayed in EC. I use A&B at about 60-70%, PK at 30-50% (for about a weak during peak flowering) and and zyme, rhizo and boost as directed.


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just get an enforcer adjust a wing shade 1.75m x 1.45m footprint, that's what i use on my 315cdm, just a quick question how come the seedling do not stretch when your light is so far away from them!!!! never seen this before and your post.thread has answered another question for me of can you use 315cdm when soo young, plants are looking superb btw.
Thanks for the good vibes!
The light I have is an integrated hood/ballast setup that was designed for 3 x 3 spaces. The PPFD does drop off around the edges but at 24 inches and 18 hours the DLI is still about 35 even at the edge of the tent. I keep the light at 24 inches pretty much the whole cycle. I have experimented with running it as close as 15 inches, yields went up a bit, but the overall quality was not as good. As far as I can tell, at least for my setup, I get the best balance of quality and yield at between 40-50 DLI. Whenever I have pushed it higher with the CMH and the plants start to show light and heat stress.

I think there are three reasons they are so stout. The first is genetic, the second is higher DLI from sprout (40-45), and the last is the 4200k bulb. It has a lot more blue and less red light than the 3k bulb, which keep the plants nice and compact.
Looking good man. Mine is over 30 days and still veggin its shown sex but still not quite to the stretch yet She was like 2 weeks behind all my others I planted at the same time stayed pretty short so I did some lst and trimmed quite a bit off her and even bent her alittle far and crack the main and the next day she was pointed up happy didnt slow her down one bit seems like. I did put some black tape over the wound. So from my experience she hardy. And slower to grow.
Looking good man. Mine is over 30 days and still veggin its shown sex but still not quite to the stretch yet She was like 2 weeks behind all my others I planted at the same time stayed pretty short so I did some lst and trimmed quite a bit off her and even bent her alittle far and crack the main and the next day she was pointed up happy didnt slow her down one bit seems like. I did put some black tape over the wound. So from my experience she hardy. And slower to grow.
I have been checking in on your MW grow as well. I think you also have yours in a 2gal Rain Science bag?

She is looking really good! That’s wild that she is 31 days old and still in veg, if I could get these to go that long before flower they should be nice little bushes.