New Grower BWM’s First Indoor Grow (FastBuds BlackBerry Auto)

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(Day 37 update) I’m sorry to say, my lady is just not happy. I’m questioning what the problem is constantly, I’ve done tons and tons of reading but I just can’t pinpoint if this is just one issue or a combination of more. Mainly because after hours and hours of reading all symptoms seem to be merging into different things.
I know one thing for sure, my soil is too claggy/muddy and should’ve had more perlite in for drainage. (Last time I go against my own instincts)
She hasn’t taken kindly to having the nutrients flushed out of her and the pot is still damp after 5 days, The larger fan leaves are getting worse and she’s showing classic signs of overwatering. Strongly suspect this is all due to the soil being unable to dry out quickly enough, even though there’s now a ton of holes underneath and in the sides of the pot........
I’m fucked if I know but would really like to see her through to the end and have a little something to show for my efforts.......any help, suggestions or opinions would be much appreciated.
For the time being, here’s some lights on shots, I’ll update shortly with some lights off shots....
You know these cheap metal stands you use to put hot pots and such like on so you don't burn the table/worktop/whatever? Get one, sit plant pot on it, gives more breathing space and allows water to escape.

Saw the previous pics, thought something might be up but wasn't sure if it was N deficiency or natural for that plant. Spots and so on could be Calcium, or lack of, tips could be over feeding, better pics in natural light may be best but if you're saying things aren't draining and have turned to mud then the roots may be gone, pH out of whack, could be quite a list of things.
You know these cheap metal stands you use to put hot pots and such like on so you don't burn the table/worktop/whatever? Get one, sit plant pot on it, gives more breathing space and allows water to escape.

Saw the previous pics, thought something might be up but wasn't sure if it was N deficiency or natural for that plant. Spots and so on could be Calcium, or lack of, tips could be over feeding, better pics in natural light may be best but if you're saying things aren't draining and have turned to mud then the roots may be gone, pH out of whack, could be quite a list of things.
Cheers for the reply, I’m waay ahead of you with the stand, I’ve improvised and she’s plenty of space underneath now. It looks much worse under the lighting, I’ll try to get some normal lighting shots up shortly. Soil PH is a bit high Perhaps, sitting around 7ish.
I hear you, my concern is that I just don’t know enough about what I’m doing. Do you have an example of one of these type of builds? I’d like to see such a thing being done. Simply because it helps me understand what’s involved.
Regards, BWM

Do you know about LED gardner? There's a ton of info and detailed examples of different builds
Ok, here we are with some lights off photos. All help much appreciated, tia, BWM

As you can clearly see, she’s showing signs of overwatering. Older leaves started with the symptoms first with signs starting to appear further up over the past few days. It looks like mag deficiency now but I just can’t be sure, need some help with this as overwatering can apparently cause similar symptoms.
Cheers for the reply and excuse my inexperience with my lack of growing skills. But With what? Plain water? Seaweed ext?
Check your nutrient label and see if it mentions it, otherwise a drop or two of your regular feed in a spray bottle should help a little. You can also add cal/mag too, but just a few drops! Ph doesn't matter, just spray both sides of the leaves, (especially the under sides!). :headbang:
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