Cheers for the reply, I’m waay ahead of you with the stand, I’ve improvised and she’s plenty of space underneath now. It looks much worse under the lighting, I’ll try to get some normal lighting shots up shortly. Soil PH is a bit high Perhaps, sitting around 7ish.
Is that soil pH according to your 3-in-1 probe? Could be anywhere if you're only going by that. I have a probe I use BUT I checked it for accuracy using a glass of water and a calibrated pH pen and, since they both read the same, I know that one is "right". The 3-in-1 gets used as an indicator for how wet things are only. So pH could be WAY out of whack leading to all sorts of problems.
Next question is a simple one. Smell. Is there any,such as a "musty" or "rotting" pong coming from the bottom of the pot? If so, roots are gone and an emergency transplant into a bigger pot may be needed if she's rootbound (which I think is a possibility but damn early for it). So if there's no niff, I reckon your pH is too high and that's locking out N, Mo, P, etc, when added to the soil turning to mud.
PS. I wouldn't say "overwatering" as the leaves aren't droopy enough imo.