Live Stoner Chat Busted

  • Thread starter Thread starter Otto Mann
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I am totally with Nelson here guys! I maybe one of the luckiest men alive! After spending 21 years working 70-100 hours a week on salary with no set schedule. I literally am the houseman now who doesn't have to work at all. I gave my fiance' 2 years to nail down her dream job while she was getting her masters. I now cook, clean, groceries, home repairs, and of course full time growing and its the greatest thing ever! Literally it looks like I may not need to work another day in my life now and this makes me the luckiest man alive! Argue about what guys! There is nothing to argue about! Life is glorious!
LMAO! I share your dream. I've got a good girl, but I wouldn't have it ANY OTHER WAY. I just couldn't put up with it, lol. :pimp:
Well Nelson four long term relations,How many more will there be?You better keep this one before your dead and they through you out in the Canadian wilderness for the wolfs and grizzly bears to make compost out of you.
i wonder if they make compost out of him, if the ph would be too high for plants? haha..jk any how, great intro, welcome to AFN- a great place for great peeps. And about the wives, i just tell mine to shut the hell up when she acts dumb, seems to work. Dont get me wrong, she is awesome, but every wife does it at least once in a while.
This ones a keeper I hope for my sake. After I die I don't mind the idea fo being fed to the wild animals and crows. Isn't that what the Tirbetans do. Would suit me fine I don't mind being compost.

Well Nelson four long term relations,How many more will there be?You better keep this one before your dead and they through you out in the Canadian wilderness for the wolfs and grizzly bears to make compost out of you.
I am so the wife in this household, and I have no problem with that. I cook, clean, garden and go to school while she works and works on her MFA. She can also beat me up no problem.... really. This is where I come to hide, these forums are my garden shed.
My wife and i fight all the time but luckly we have some fine weed to smoke then all the problems go away...isint that just ironic:toke:
Nelson -
Does this gem of a lady have a sister, by chance? You lucky bastard, you.
Mrs Dirt and I have never raised our voices (at least not to screaming level :D ) in anger at each other and we're just extremely well suited for each other. I am a rich man. :D
Yes you are. Very. Treasure that now, for one day it will be gone.

heehee, I decided to edit my post and when I re-posted it, BigB had already responded to the old one... so here is edit #2. LOL

This is my third marriage... so, I definitely know the difference between what I have now and my previous experiences. In fact, if it had not been this good, there is no way there would have been a "third" marriage.

I am one of the fortunate who do not require constant companionship to be comfortable. Being in a relationship requires some compromises which I would not consider making if Mrs Dirt and I did not have a connection that is well worth all the compromises. Yes, I do treasure it. :peace: