New Grower Bush Wrangler vol 1. : Blueberry Kush/Coco/Canna nutes/COB

Good job man. Looks killer. I knew you'd nail this :drool:

Cheers fella, she is looking great, and I am still surprised that everything has gone so well with the grow.......beyond my wildest dreams to be honest!
All the research I did on AFN has made this grow very easy, so a massive thanks to you and all the other contributors on here.

Also, you've inspired my next grow - Forgotten Cookies - so chuffed Mephisto are doing another drop of those beans, need me some of that sativa goodness.....gonna be awesome.

Cheers fella, she is looking great, and I am still surprised that everything has gone so well with the grow.......beyond my wildest dreams to be honest!
All the research I did on AFN has made this grow very easy, so a massive thanks to you and all the other contributors on here.

Also, you've inspired my next grow - Forgotten Cookies - so chuffed Mephisto are doing another drop of those beans, need me some of that sativa goodness.....gonna be awesome.

Aaaahh man, you're gonna love her. I can't think of any herb I've enjoyed smoking more than Cookies. Whole new world of taste.
Hola Amigos!

So, it Day 53 for my girl now......and time for another update.

Today is the last feed with PK 13/14, which means that she will have had a 10 day blast of the PK13/14....
As per the Canna Coco feed schedule, I will be eliminating the PK 13/14 from tomorrow onwards, and just feeding her A + B, Cannazym, and Boost for remainder of the grow, except for the final flush with ph'd water......
Only other thing to report is that I decided to create some room, as it seriously needed it, and chopped 25 branches or bud sites from the plant!!! I know it seems a lot.....unfortunately no before pics....but I am glad I did it as it looked like spaghetti junction in there, and the hope is I get better quality bud in the end......fingers crossed. Anyway, I think you'll see from the pics, space is still very tight, even with that major clean up. So hopefully that was a good decision, at the very least, it has given me a sample of immature bud to try (still drying...)
Finally, the smell! Well it is very subtle at the moment, but what I can get is definitely blueberry, quite sweet, and strangely artificial...and I fuckin love it!! Can tell this is gonna be some gourmet shit when it's ready....It starting to get some proper frost on too, which will hopefully only increase as time goes by......

Take it easy people!





Oh yeah......been waiting too long to get these beans.....the future looks good!!!!

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Hello Day 61 now....

A few more photos from today.

No issues to report, except just trying to cope with the hot temps we are having at the moment. Struggling to keep the grow box temp lower than 28C.....
Feed wise, am following the Cana Grow Guide, and so
  • Canna A 2.1ml per Litre
  • Canna B 2.1ml per Litre
  • CalmagAgent 2ml per Litre
  • Canna Boost 4ml per Litre
  • Cannazym 2.5ml per Litre
  • Some Drip Clean too
@ 6.0 ph

She is very sticky to the touch, and smells good but weirdly artificial, can't quite put my finger on it. She is not a smelly girl by any means, which is good, especially as I am growing indoors in a small flat....​
Had my first peek at the trichomes today, all clear, so a couple weeks to go at least I guestimate....

Take it easy

Hello Day 61 now....

A few more photos from today.

No issues to report, except just trying to cope with the hot temps we are having at the moment. Struggling to keep the grow box temp lower than 28C.....
Feed wise, am following the Cana Grow Guide, and so
  • Canna A 2.1ml per Litre
  • Canna B 2.1ml per Litre
  • CalmagAgent 2ml per Litre
  • Canna Boost 4ml per Litre
  • Cannazym 2.5ml per Litre
  • Some Drip Clean too
@ 6.0 ph

She is very sticky to the touch, and smells good but weirdly artificial, can't quite put my finger on it. She is not a smelly girl by any means, which is good, especially as I am growing indoors in a small flat....​
Had my first peek at the trichomes today, all clear, so a couple weeks to go at least I guestimate....

Take it easy

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bud galore, you should be very pleased. Nailed it, congrats. I know it aint over til the fat lady sings, but this is books on shelves. I can't wait until the bud shots come harvest time