New Grower Bush Wrangler vol 1. : Blueberry Kush/Coco/Canna nutes/COB

Smashing it mate, I knew you would. A lovely harvest slowly approaching

Many thanks Ribbzzy, that means a lot coming from you.......hopefully she looks like your BBKs did in the end!
Have just run out of herb myself, and made the mistake of re-reading your smoke report on the BBK - literally had to run out, into the street, and murder a small child that happened to be passing by, just to get rid of my frustrations at not having any green......:shrug:.......

My man. !
This is really tickling the hell out of me grow bro

I almost don't believe you on being a new grower. This grow is about as good as it gets my man.

And seriously if any help actually came from the live guide. You are putting a very large feather in my cap my man. I'm super proud and just blown away!

Also I see going full perlite hempy.
So different rules apply and clearly you are getting high marks on the tests.
I have done some experiments with grow styles. 100% perlite is on my list of need to try. And this is convincing me to do it very soon.

Really. Covering all of the bases.
Plant reading, LST , feeding. Just a pro grow.
Not only rep slapping you when I can.
Also giving you mad respect bro.

Future battle contender!
My man. !
This is really tickling the hell out of me grow bro

I almost don't believe you on being a new grower. This grow is about as good as it gets my man.

And seriously if any help actually came from the live guide. You are putting a very large feather in my cap my man. I'm super proud and just blown away!

Also I see going full perlite hempy.
So different rules apply and clearly you are getting high marks on the tests.
I have done some experiments with grow styles. 100% perlite is on my list of need to try. And this is convincing me to do it very soon.

Really. Covering all of the bases.
Plant reading, LST , feeding. Just a pro grow.
Not only rep slapping you when I can.
Also giving you mad respect bro.

Future battle contender!

Cheers fella, that makes me feel super proud - your thread has definitely given me the confidence and tools to properly go for it, even if it is my first grow. So put that feather in your cap my man.
BTW I am actually not full perlite (but it's something I may try in the future too), that's just a 1cm layer of perlite on top of my coco/perlite mix (roughly 70/30) - something I got from a @Truu thread on Coco..Infact, Truu's and @Slater threads inspired the whole feeding/dripper thingy....basically I have been copying everyone else......all the contributors on this site have a lot to answer for, lol....

I will be joining them battles get ready!!!!!! :muahaha:
Day 36 (start of week 6)

Light still on 105 watts - did go to 110 watts, which is full capacity for my COB, but realised I had an issue keeping the temps under the ideal 26 C - may have to add an extra fan to the top of my grow box, working on it now.
Still feeding 5 times a day, as still getting run-off, but feed strength up to 1100ppm @ 5.8ph now - still no signs of tip/leaf burn.
She is continuing to stretch too, although I think the growth is slowing now......but keeping an eye on it. Will be adding PK 13/14 to the feed when I see that growth/flower stretch has stopped.
Buds starting to show themselves too, and glad I gave her that last haircut, as some of the smaller bud sites have caught up in height and increased in vigour....will keep removing fan leaves that shade the lower bud sites, but I think I am done with LST now.

Been really looking forward to this part of the grow, hopefully them buds get big and frosty
Day 36 (start of week 6)

Light still on 105 watts - did go to 110 watts, which is full capacity for my COB, but realised I had an issue keeping the temps under the ideal 26 C - may have to add an extra fan to the top of my grow box, working on it now.
Still feeding 5 times a day, as still getting run-off, but feed strength up to 1100ppm @ 5.8ph now - still no signs of tip/leaf burn.
She is continuing to stretch too, although I think the growth is slowing now......but keeping an eye on it. Will be adding PK 13/14 to the feed when I see that growth/flower stretch has stopped.
Buds starting to show themselves too, and glad I gave her that last haircut, as some of the smaller bud sites have caught up in height and increased in vigour....will keep removing fan leaves that shade the lower bud sites, but I think I am done with LST now.

Been really looking forward to this part of the grow, hopefully them buds get big and frosty
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loving the show Budulike, she is really going for it now, plenty of tops. Great growing.
Day 39


Well, she is still stretching.....and we are getting close to running out of head height....reckon I have a couple more inches left to play with.
So, have decided to start her on PK 13/14 once she uses up the remaining head space, and hopefully that will halt vertical growth, and she will just focus on creating fat juicy buds ??
Anyway, I installed an extra exhaust fan, and have the COB on max (110 Watts actual draw). The extra fan seems to have done the trick in terms of keeping the temps down, and its averaging around 26 Celsius in the grow box.
Also, I have her on 6 feeds a day now @ 1200ppm/5.9ph.....still no sign of tip burn!
Finally, have been removing any fan leaves that create shade, which I have to do daily now....

Sorry about the picture, but at least you can see the buds frost yet, but pistils are much more prominent now.

Day 43 (week 7)

Hey all

Flowering has started to pick up pace now.....she is onto the PK 13/14 feed and is responding well.
Starting to see the first signs of frost too, only slightly, but it's getting me excited about what is to come......
take it easy people..

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