I'm just loving all the DIY COBs I'm seeing viva la revolution.
Great to hear your getting a dimmable driver sent to you, I wouldn't be with out a dimmable driver a 100K poteniometer works well for the dimming which can be coupled with a 10K resistor.
Run @ 700mA the CREE CXB3590's are around 60% effient and run @ 1400mA they are 50% efficient. 4 COBs rum @ 1400mA will use 200W from the wall and give 100W of heat and 100W of light.
@Dazed was the person to first introduce me to COB building and I am planning more builds already.
Currently i am running one CXB3590 in a PC tower Cab which is dimmable which can help with any heat issues come mid summer in my tiny cab.
The COB is turned down to minimum here so it doesn't wash out the pic
The COB is turned down as low as it will go in this pic so as not to wash out the pic
I'm really looking forward to seeing your COBs in action with your girls under them.
These cob are truly amazing and I wouldn't be surprised if we don't start seeing a lot more of them in the near future.
LED grow light manufacturers must be bricking it with their 3W & 5W LED grow lights, if it is this simple to build you own more efficient DIY grow lights.
If you could
@arty zan me when you start your grow ,I'll be sure to sub up and that goes to all DIY COB builders.
Wouldn't it be great if we could have our own sub forum "DIY COB Builders" where we could pull all our resources and grow journals together.
Keep up the great work Ozone

You gonna get slapped for this