Nutrients Budelee and Slaters Remo Co-Journal

Looking great Slater nice growth and LST

Thank you @fairly new, you know what, thinking I'm getting the hang of this coco lark.... bit easy really... :rofl: famous last words. Compared to soil I feel like I'm way more in control of the grow than I've every been. Especial using the Remo range, its given me the confidence that is all I need...but will be getting some of that Mammoth P soon as i can lay my hands on it.
Its been such a great introduction that I'm sold across the board. Enjoying using a drip system to feed which has freed up loads of time in the loft garden. Just got to fully reset the groom now for just Remo and coco.
My head would spin. So many breeders to talk to. I don't know if the Joint Doctor goes anymore, but he and Shantibaba would be first. Then again couldn't pass up a chance to meet Derry from Barney's Farm. I don't see very many product Earth vids on youtube, but gotta love the expos man. Can walk out of there with quite a haul.

I Think product earth play it down a bit and I know that some of the producers for other country's just can't exhibit due to our laws... Remo nutes mentioned it yesterday in the interview due to our law he can't come over and full represent himself like he does. Seems to be it has to be done on the QT. I think that go's for a lot of the others or it just puts them off coming all together... I would love to see Ocean Green in the UK and meet Vadar.
Nothing is keeping me away from spannabis next year, better start brushing up so I look like I know what I'm talking about when it comes to strains.
Sorry I'm late all... got lost for a while in the clouds!

I think I'm caught up. Awesome setup @Slater looking good. Also @budelee my man! Sorry about the wonky rapid rooters bro, shit does indeed happen.

Anyways, I am subbed up chaps. Throw it in gear and let's go!
dis gon b gud.gif

Up Date from the Loft

Another collection pics over the passed couple of weeks. Loving this grow, and loving Remo. My best looking plants to date, great colour, great growth, no over feeding (I'm slightly under what remo calculator is recommending). An all round good look and feel to the plants.
My first popper scrog grow as well... could really get into this style of growing now I'm drip feeding, tent no.01 has just been set for it as well.

2017-06-29 20.07.13.jpg

2017-06-30 20.11.33.jpg

2017-07-02 19.14.04.jpg

2017-07-02 19.14.15.jpg

2017-07-02 19.14.15.jpg

2017-07-03 18.48.21.jpg

2017-07-03 18.48.40.jpg

2017-07-07 09.27.51.jpg

Light - as the plants hit the stretch I slowly upped the power on the light. Today we reached full power and I've switched the 3w diode on... She's at full power captain we canna give her no more

2017-07-07 09.28.13.jpg

Taken this morning

2017-07-08 09.59.15.jpg

Got a bit of defoliation to do soon... quite a bushy plant with remo

2017-07-08 09.59.31.jpg

Looking amazing. I've just started using Remo in coco and the CBD Lemon Haze I'm growing is the most healthy looking plant I've grown yet. I think it's good stuff!
Looking amazing. I've just started using Remo in coco and the CBD Lemon Haze I'm growing is the most healthy looking plant I've grown yet. I think it's good stuff!

totally agree.... you can just sit back and enjoy the ride and focus more of your attention on the important stuff like environment.