Noif someone took a strain say automazaar and just made copies of them, and nothing else, that's called a ripper and a thief! If you buy a seed and than decide to use that as part of a cross or what have you than yes, it's yours you own it do with it as you please, but to just copy and sell someone else's hard work is just plain wrong, so not sure if that what you meant?
I just came upon a book called Marijuana Botany, it is VERY easy to find the PDF of online for free, I think it should be required reading for anyone that wants to breed and let's their creations out.. Even mad cross or things that you will only you for yourself you still got to be very careful and use some caution, as us "hobby" breeders could and will become a detriment to a our so beloved herb. We all need to start acting a bit more responsible with all of this.. I am getting threw the book, it's not the easiest of reading but with a science background it's not hard, and for the layman you may not grasp the exact meaning of things but you will get idea, so enough ranting on a soapbox from the greatest of offenders who is now trying to reform themselves, me
:stylez rasta smoke: they have a huge section of the book in the stickies for the past year I have failed to notice or read..,![]()
That's kind of how I think on this subject. But for me, there is a bit of a mystery about the auto-flower boom. I know that most people agree that the Joint Doctor's original Low Ryder was the first commercially available AF. But there was another AF in and around the same time called Short-Stuff which in my opinion, was nearly identical.(Coincidence?) So what I am trying to figure out is the chicken and the egg thing. I guess im something of a history nut and this is MJ history for sure. I don't want to accuse anybody of stealing another's genetics, I would just like to get to the bottom of this Issue. If any of the old timers would like to chime in on this, I would sure like an answer!