Grow Mediums BLZ DWC LED(take 2)

Mar 25, 2013
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So upon a recommendation ive re posted my journal here. Again same thing Blz bud in 20litre bucket(she will be). 60litre min air pump. 1xms004 LED panel. genesis 3prt nutes.
day1 (3).jpgday2.jpgDSC03009.jpgDSC03030.jpgDSC03034.jpg

Heres a few pics. shes been in the tub 6 days, and i the spotted roots yesterday. so far so good.

NB..i am aware this is not an auto variety. original i was going to post a journal about my auto soviet female. but shes proving to be a difficult lady.DSC03032.jpg this be here. shes got a fat ass for sure. 27 days old.
A few hairs. No real stretch yet. if any ones intrested ill posted up some more pics. But if shes not in full swing by day 35 ill b pulling her, focusing on the BLZ and starting some original lowryder #2.

nice 1 yall
Hey xeno.. Welcome to AFN brother..

I've grown in DWC with Genesis 3 part.. It's good stuff.. No doubt
Now if you ask me there's not a thing wrong with that 27 day old auto soviet.. Why would you want to pull her?? As she shaping up to become a beast!! If you want her to start flowering just change your ratio with the genesis feed.. Yeah? Cut your grow part to half this week & then next week cut it out all together..
Oh & another thing with those Genesis nutes.. Always mix the part with the most calcium in it first.. IE.. Grow #2 in first then Bloom then Micro.. Ok? & when you drop the Grow part for flowering then mix the bloom in first followed by the microbase.. & that's it.. Obviously you'll have to up your B/M parts to achieve your desired EC/ppm but it's real simple..

Check my DWC/Genesis/AutoMazar grow in my signature.. She yielded me around 300g dry..

Welcome to AFN & the hydro section..With Kush taggin' along you can't go far wrong bud :D Trust me ,i speak from experience!.
looks like a potential monster right there :group:
Cheers for the info bud.
This is why i decide to start posting...useful helpful folk:)
I had some probs with my previous soviet, she didnt flower at all. So im kinda worried about it not preforming again.
still my setup was completely different then.
Didnt realize about mixing the highest calcium prt first. ill bear that in mind for the nxt res change.

Funny thing i changed the res yesterday and did exactly what you said bout hlf grow hlf bloom( and micro base) this time round.
I plan to go all out bloom nxt week( plus MB).
hopefully she will kick in fully over the nxt week or so..
Ill check out your auto mazar grow.

Thanks again Peace
Fook it....
here some more pics of the auto soviet.
if she continues to go well, ill create a new thread just for her, considering this is for my BLZ.
sorry if i mislead anyone...
anyway to the pics....DSC03037.jpgDSC03038.jpgDSC03039.jpgDSC03040.jpgDSC03042.jpgnice stem. Impressive root ball. And 11 lobbed leaves. aint never seen them before.!!!?

Lol... Whatever you do... Do not pull that plant!! She's looking :drool: she'll flower for ya.. I've no doubt.. 11 leaves = she's happy :thumbs:
So auto soviet?? Who breeds that strain?

I'll sub up here.. & your new soviet thread if & when it appears..

So what's your exact set up then xeno? If your running photo & auto plants? 2 tents/lights etc?

Hey Vira.. Cheers brother.. You know I love ya :hug:
nice one for the vote of confidence bruv:)

So auto soviet female is her name.
Seed bank is called AUTOFEM from Spain i believe. got from them justfeminized. Supposedly...

  • Genetics: Low Ryder x AK47
  • Seed to Harvest: 60-70 Days
  • Yield Per plant: 50-70 grams
  • The Most Potent Auto Available
so i got 70x70x1.7cm space.
Filling that is a grownorthen ms004 panel.
20litre bucket with 60litre min air pump, 4mm tube fitted to two 18inch rubber diffusers.

its abit long winded but here goes.
Originally i was just doing the auto, but got worried about its late development so i put a BLZ bud cutting
in just to cover my ass.
i was guna give her till day 35 then pull if no positive signs. their the BLZ wound replace her, followed by some original lowryder#2.
their both in their on 19/5 hours a day.

But after you reassurance ill keep her going, see what happens. And ill give that BLZ to a friend. Theirs plenty more where that came from:)

this will be the last post here. and ill setup another thread for the soviet.( what an Amater) lol
Sweet xeno.. Now the only thing is.. That light will grow you a nice plant.. Flower her no probs but that'll be it in that space.. My tent is 1.2m2 & I have 4x 84x2 panels & a grownorthern ms006 in there.. & that properly covers my space.. So with 1.7m2 I'd put that light in a corner & out your plant right underneath.. But yeah good light.. & good luck brother.


No need to change threads bro a mod will change the name for you to auto soviet DWC etc.. PM Red eyed c & see if he'll do it for you..
xeno if you want to merge the threads, change the name or ? let me know.

ok bud ill bear that in mind. ive already created a new thread for the auto soviet. ill keep this one open for the BLZ cos she is starting to do well. and if anyone has smoked her, youll no what an impeccable smoke she peace