New Grower Blue Cheese in Coco: First personal grow in 10 years and first ever autoflowers

Real nice job dude and real nice thread. Good info for others. I'll stick around to hear how that blue cheese goes down when you light her up :smoking: a pack of em came free with my tent. Is the smell powerful like a cheese or less penetrative like a blueberry?

Thanks bud!! The smell is definitely more smooth like the blueberry, but that cheesy edge or sharpness is there too. My favorite sativas of all time were the thin leafed thai phenos of the original blueberry and these plants remind me of that in the bud structure and smell.

Here is a day 84 shot from yesterday, they'll be coming down in a couple days so I can line the dry trim up with one of my rare days off!

All the best!

Hey all, the ladies have been chopped! They were looking perfect and this should allow them to dry enough for trimming on my next day off. Heres a shot of the stuffed full tent. Don't worry the RH is super low here and there is solid air circulation.

I'll update later this week with some pictures and dry weight!
Hey all, the ladies have been chopped! They were looking perfect and this should allow them to dry enough for trimming on my next day off. Heres a shot of the stuffed full tent. Don't worry the RH is super low here and there is solid air circulation.

I'll update later this week with some pictures and dry weight!View attachment 1306499

be sure to tag me with final dry weight, so me can give u a shiny lil badge :smoking: ppp
So you do a full hang and dry? Then dry trim? It looks like you took off the larger fan leaves but left most of the smaller ones. Is this correct?

If I can continue to bug you...

How do you determine when they are ready for a full trim? Do you go by the bend a small branch and look for a nice "snap."?
be sure to tag me with final dry weight, so me can give u a shiny lil badge :smoking: ppp

Definitely will thanks!

So you do a full hang and dry? Then dry trim? It looks like you took off the larger fan leaves but left most of the smaller ones. Is this correct?

If I can continue to bug you...

How do you determine when they are ready for a full trim? Do you go by the bend a small branch and look for a nice "snap."?

Yup you got it! With these I cut all of the bigger fans, but left enough to hopefully slow down the drying a bit. Each plant had 8 main branches so I cut those, honestly I would have been better off hanging the whole plants, but don't have enough space.

I try to pull them down and trim when the outsides are dry, but just before the stem snaps, with low RH its easier to burp the jars down to 60% than risk over drying.

I'm new to the desert and really need a dedicated drying setup since the RH here is like 15-25%. I'll be trying a few different things, though these buds probably won't be the best it'll hold me until I move this summer and can build a bigger better setup :)!
Hey all! So I noticed last night things were getting pretty crispy and today after work the small stems were snapping, yup 15% RH and air circulation will do that haha. I ended up trimming when I got off work and just finished up, ooh I hate trimming.

I only had time to do the big plant which yielded 249 grams plus a solid jar of popcorn (with some good stuff i just got too lazy to trim.) So just under 9 ounces which is already well over a gram per watt which is solid. The smell in the jars is straight fuelberrycheese, with a little old school charm, very dense too, herb that smells like this after a 3 day dry and no cure is rare, I'm very happy!

Tomorrow I will deal with the smaller plant, I estimate there is at least 4oz there, but I will likely just take the best ounce or two of bud and add the rest to the bubble hash pile with the trim and larf.

be sure to tag me with final dry weight, so me can give u a shiny lil badge :smoking: ppp

Here is dry weight #1, I probably won't weight more than a couple ounces of the other plant until she's been hashed out ;)

So it sounds like you're an experienced grower that's been out of the game for a bit. I'm curious -- what were your thoughts on growing with one of the new LEDs? Did you like it? Plants look amazing so I'm assuming it was a good experience?
Hey all! So I noticed last night things were getting pretty crispy and today after work the small stems were snapping, yup 15% RH and air circulation will do that haha. I ended up trimming when I got off work and just finished up, ooh I hate trimming.

I only had time to do the big plant which yielded 249 grams plus a solid jar of popcorn (with some good stuff i just got too lazy to trim.) So just under 9 ounces which is already well over a gram per watt which is solid. The smell in the jars is straight fuelberrycheese, with a little old school charm, very dense too, herb that smells like this after a 3 day dry and no cure is rare, I'm very happy!

Tomorrow I will deal with the smaller plant, I estimate there is at least 4oz there, but I will likely just take the best ounce or two of bud and add the rest to the bubble hash pile with the trim and larf.

Here is dry weight #1, I probably won't weight more than a couple ounces of the other plant until she's been hashed out ;)

View attachment 1307183

:clapper: congratz on ur harvest & a shiny lil badge is now ur'z for the effort :thumbsup: to display it under ur name, jus go to profile > badgez & cilck the lil megaphone icon beside it ;) ppp
So it sounds like you're an experienced grower that's been out of the game for a bit. I'm curious -- what were your thoughts on growing with one of the new LEDs? Did you like it? Plants look amazing so I'm assuming it was a good experience?

For sure, I would say that I did like the LEDs, there is a learning curve though. With HID lighting a 400w bulb is just that, same with a 600w and 1000w, but the LEDs are pretty variable, not to mention sometimes dimmable and typically have a blended spectrum which I think can be detrimental.

The positive features of LEDs are efficiency and temperature, there wouldn't be LED grow lights if they weren't cooler and less power hungry. This is especially awesome for the small scale grower since it would have been close to impossible to regulate my climate here like I did with 400w of HID.

Last point, if you can grow under the sun, do it! I'd love to never have to look at a plant under artificial light again, the sun grows the best herb, no question!

Sorry for the ramble haha
Hey all, so here is a final count since I'm officially too tired to keep trimming haha. I hit 12oz and just threw everything else in the hash 'bin.'

I'll be giving a portion to some veterans in need and some to friends since half will more than hold me until the next harvest and I have probably 6-8oz of popcorn (mostly decent buds I was too lazy to trim) and a big bag of trim (not pictured) which will be run through the bubble bags in the next few weeks. Honestly if the hash is half as good as the bud I may just wash most of it, we'll see :)

Thanks for tuning in!
