Sweet Seeds Black Cream in Subcool in the Lab

Good stuff so far Romeo, soil must be good as your plant looks health as my friend. :High 5:

@Waira, be careful using that plant tie wire as the edges of the plastic can be very sharp, I would hate to see it wreck your plant.

Stunted Catchup
R-man that's where I'm at now with my Ghd/C99... For the short time I had to tweak on her, I got 3 nodes of nice, much better than usual side branch development :D: That's all I could ask for,... blooming has started in earnest, so that's going to preempt much further growth....
:check:Roger that Sensei Stunted! I saw a bit of scaring a few days ago (wind buffeting likely suspect, from the looks of it), and so switched to a paper-wrapped slightly heavier twist tie; the back portion of the stem has hardened off to shape, so now it's just the one up front....thanks mate! :wiz:
. swampman Tlo Supersoil. Is Da way Amigo

So.easy u u will.forget where ur Ph meter is , once umixed the same product time and time u shou l d just be like feeding a baby !!!

Its working so well that its killing me man:Stones slap: I water....I just flippin water.

. Stunted

Good stuff so far Romeo, soil must be good as your plant looks health as my friend.

Thanks man. I'm glad to have you checking them out.:smokebuds:
Naaa Give them.smaller doses, like a athletes. Drinking Gatorade
Keep ur soil primoalive and Re use
Cres will tell u a good TLO soil can do.better on 2nd runs
I have a Cream.Manderine in the Round 2 and she banginf out nodes really fasr
Mostly seeds would take days to grow the tops roots had to.hit dirt bottom.first

Well that small.vacancy was peat but under there was alive Tlo
So.shes a MovingQuickly
Mist em too
Bang !!!!
That's what I've been doing swamp. Small amounts of water through the top cup. Then when it looks hungry a water more around the sides. Its like it activates it that way. I avoid doing much misting. I've already got humidity issues. Its damn muggy down here in these river bottoms bro. 82% humidity outside right now and 67% in the house. Muggy
Hear ya ya i only mist with lights off if that helps
I never done it lights on cause i had always read it will burn em most likely

If ur in Subcool u shouldnt need muc but a lil amino andsome sugars
Have u tried honey
Get a a bottle thats wildflower
Take about make.some.weedtaste right
This has almost been my cleanest and most devestating smokeso far !!!
I'm actually out of honey. I use molasses. I have often wondered about using sorghum. I have plenty of it. Locally produced and organic.
Im.around that too ive Seen Sugarcane in alot of this Veganic so.it has to.work.as.well
Id gowith it and chek it out
Its a Natural.cover crop.along side Cowpeas its hand and hand for Red Clay from what im.gaining
The Hoeny truely Made ma WeedAste alot better this Run
Ive tasted these Genes before and that slight sugar rush did my trick
Also Im growing Sorgum Next Year bro as i am gonna try and make, my own and then comost the scraps ?
Also Im growing Sorgum Next Year bro as i am gonna try and make, my own and then comost the scraps ?

Stuff smells rich during the making but mmm so good. I'd compost the scraps for sure. Should be the same as grain waste.