Sweet Seeds 4d-Rock's Black Cream Autos

Hi fella!

It could be for the light. If the humidity is low near to the leafs, the plant can be burned due to the evaporation of the plant. Also could be a Calcium deficiency, but I see you are using an extra with the Cal Mag and it deficiency frequently start in the most older leaves so, I recomend you to put the lights at more distance to the plant (or a lower potency).

All the best!
Thanks @Sweet Seeds Jay . I've lowered the intensity of the Quantum board to 75% and raised it as much as possible (maybe another inch).

Humidity in the tent has been pretty consistent around 50% during the lights on and 60% when lights are off.

I'm still thinking it has to do with lockout from the excess salt buildup. I don't think i'm underfeeding with the 900-1000 ppm feeds I'm giving. Just for the heck of it I tested some runoff after the last feed and with the above concentration going in, I had runoff in the 1500-1600 ppm range. Still thinking a flush may be in order.

Some of the edges of the top leaves are also starting to turn dark, sort of purple, but It's hard to say if this is a nutrient issue, or if it may be just a trait of the purple strain.
Well, I ended up doing a bit of a flush. I don't necessarily know if this had helped or hurt it's progression, the leaves are slowly yellowing and showing some minor discolouration. On day 50 I flushed both with 8L of ph'd water, followed by another 2L that contained a fresh charge of nutrients, similar to before with 1.5g/gal BE and 3g/gal MC.

Day 50

Following the flush there didn't seem to be much for major changes. Flowering continued and the leaves have progressively been yellowing and a few spots show up here or there. And then just recently I bumped up my BE to 2g/gal.

Currently at day 56

Now the issue at hand...I have a week before I need to leave for the holidays where I will be away for about 2 weeks. My options are to chop in the next few days, do a relatively quick dry (3-4 days), and then bring the jars with me to burp/cure over the holidays....OR I can setup my blumat drippers and reservoir before I leave and hope that things don't get wrecked. I don't think the 5 gallon reservoir I have is going to be enough for the 3 weeks, so they may dry out. I can lower the output but even in that case they may be way overdone by that point.

What should I do??
Ya, I’m excited to try it.
Today I decided to cut a bit of bud off each to check where we are for the Trichomes.
Here’s the 3gal:


And here’s the green variant 2gal:


To me it looks like a decent amount of cloudy still with some clears in there. Maybe 60/40? These were taken from the top so I’d imagine that the lower buds are probably more clear than this.
Like I said in my previous post, I’ve got to make a decision on when to cut...in the next few days....or in 3 weeks. Kind of leaning toward the early chop...

Any thoughts?
Well guys, I decided to harvest early. I didn't think I'd be able to get setup to leave for 2 weeks and I'm sure they will be way over done by that point.

Here they are on day 60 before harvest.

Here they are trimmed. I did a rough trim on the bigger purple one because I was short on time and tired, so I'll probably do another pass to get alot of the little fan leaves that i missed on the first time around. These are chopped and full plant hung in the tent with the extraction fan running with a couple PC fans moving air around on low. It's about 20C/40% RH in there which is decent for drying. Normally I'd try to stretch it out for at least 7 days of drying, but I'm in a bit of a hurry to get them dried and jarred before I have to leave.
I'll be bringing by jars with me so I can burp and cure through the holidays. I'll come back to update on dry weight once I have it.


Hey 4d-Rock, I just read through your journal and really enjoyed it. I just started using Promix HP myself with Megacrop it's been going badly. I really appreciate the detail you put in your post with feeding and your PH problems. I've been feeding at a PH of 6.3-6.5 and things aren't looking good at all. I think I'm going to have to cull my 4 plants at 3 weeks old. Going to do a hard reboot and take the advice given in this grow.

BTW, your grow turned out awesome !
Hey 4d-Rock, I just read through your journal and really enjoyed it. I just started using Promix HP myself with Megacrop it's been going badly. I really appreciate the detail you put in your post with feeding and your PH problems. I've been feeding at a PH of 6.3-6.5 and things aren't looking good at all. I think I'm going to have to cull my 4 plants at 3 weeks old. Going to do a hard reboot and take the advice given in this grow.

BTW, your grow turned out awesome !

Thanks for the kind words. I try to be detailed and include the information that I'd be looking for if I was following a grow. I've read alot of them here and they've been a ton of help as I've been learning.

I'm still not sure on Pro-mix HP at this point. All of my grows have been successfully harvested, but I don't think they've reached their full potential. Whether it has to do with the medium, my watering/nutrients, or lighting/environment I'm not sure. The plants in this journal seemed to have less issues which may be attributed to me dropping the input to 5.8-6 compared to me previously using 6-6.5.
Right now I have 5 or 6 pots pre-filled with Pro-mix, and since it's winter I don't have access to getting a new medium. So i'll keep growing with this for now and keep experimenting, maybe try a different soil in the summer.

To give an update on the dry weight of the harvest. The green variant ended up with 40g, where the purple had 86g. Not too shabby, I can live with that.

I've dropped a few seeds which are just popping out of the soil as of this morning. I have one of each Hubbabubbasmellascope and Double grape from Mephisto Genetics, not sure if I'll do a journal yet though. We'll see...

Thanks again to anyone that reads my journal. Good luck on your grows!
Hey @4d-Rock! I spend so much time browsing this site, I always forget who’s growing what at the time. I seen your name in another post, and the lightbulb flicked on and had me wondering how these black creams turned out! Looks deadly man! I would’ve done the same with the early harvest, would hate to see the plants over ripen and be no good to ya. How are they on the nose? Fruity/floral smell to them? Why do you have lined up next for the grow show??