Sweet Seeds 4d-Rock's Black Cream Autos

journal everything :thumbsup:nobody knows better than a newish grower :forward: what its like to be wet behind the ears :oops1:and new to the world of autoflowers :smokeit: you do a good journal

keep er lit
Hey @4d-Rock! I spend so much time browsing this site, I always forget who’s growing what at the time. I seen your name in another post, and the lightbulb flicked on and had me wondering how these black creams turned out! Looks deadly man! I would’ve done the same with the early harvest, would hate to see the plants over ripen and be no good to ya. How are they on the nose? Fruity/floral smell to them? Why do you have lined up next for the grow show??
No worries, thanks! They smell pretty good, I would say they are in the Fruity/floral camp for sure. The green version I overdried a bit before curing, the purple took longer to dry so ended up getting in a nice sweet spot for curing. I've tried a little of each so far but I need to do some further....testing....for science... :smoking:

I've already got the 2 next ones dropped. Here's a sneak peak.
Day 9 for Double grape (right) and Day 7 for Hubbabubbsmellascope (left)

journal everything :thumbsup:nobody knows better than a newish grower :forward: what its like to be wet behind the ears :oops1:and new to the world of autoflowers :smokeit: you do a good journal

keep er lit
Haha, fine, you twisted my arm archie, i'll set up another journal somewhere :cheers:

I have a journal app on my phone that I journal all my grows with privately. That won't stop because how would I remember what hell I watered and when :rofl: