oh man, that Ice Cool nugg is givin' me the jonez for sack of dat! How's her aroma Duggy, sweet citrus zing? ... is the GBD cross down now too?

:smoking:... holy crap, that BBG is a zombie plant! She just won't shut down-

... she sure packed on more phat though, ay?

-- I like how they have stayed pretty dense, even with the florets stacking/fox'ing like that,.... how do the mature bracts look on the trich's, are they holding cloudy mainly still? I'm so used to outdoors, where the change from cloudy to amber an sometimes happen quick,... wow, she has absolutely tapped those fans to near dust! No need for trimming Duggy, I think a firm shake will knock most of'm clean off-

I don't know how you've held off like you have!
Mr. K', I like what I see in that soil testing mate! Hurry up and get some USA distributors going,... good to hear about the Silicium Flash, i need to read up on it,... and pick your brain!