Duggy, it's more tricky than it seems! Many defc.'s start happening with negative consequences even before actual leaf symptoms start,.. last year with that damn KindSoil, the P sourcing depleted at the worst time initial bud-set,... didn't show in the leaves until after I noticed the flower clusters were small and airy,... it hard to know for sure sometimes too, when the strain is totally new to you,.. a few days later classic patchy necrosis started on the leaves, and I had to abandon the organics for synthetic right now P sourcing to try and salvage the bud quality! The Biotabs tapped out weeks ago for me, with a sudden blow-out of extra nutes, if the roasted tips are any indication,... a similar thing happened with the KindSoil when they started tapping deep into that layer,... when I start seeing lowers fade too soon, I start extra N right away,.. but the more or less overall color fade puzzles me, and won't correct (Think Fast is hit bad this time-
..blooming fine though!)... it smacks of S defc., but the tops aren't that badly affected, so i have doubts about S defc.,... P defc. can star as color fade mid-to-uppers too IMO, not typical, but I swear it's consistent enough to not be coincidence,..
. Anyway, don't hesitate to add some Orga' to the Bio PK,.. as long as the PK is higher than the N in quantity and numbers, notroubles will come to the buds from the N,...
Ryker-- by the time this happened, the roots were solid to the tops, so no point in more tabs IMO, more damage than it's worth, and I don't like what that sudden end-breakdown does either,.. talking with EoF, we think the Guerilla Tabs will hold up better,... So, I'm just feeding manually now anyway,.... Oh, Orgatrex in not a sub' for Bio PK of the PK tea at all,.. it's 5-1-5, far far too weak in P and not quite enough K either,... but using it in conjunction with the tea as recommended works very nice! they're getting PK tea every 10 days or so, but in between they get other organic goodies,.. Roots HPK, basically liquid bat poo's (0-3-4), a taste or two of BioThrive grow (4-3-3), and I've slipped very dilute bloom boosters (Open Sesame) in there as well,... admittedly, I may have overdone it, from some minor tip burn on a few, but after the KindSoil shit-show, I was NOT going to let that BS happen again!
Most of the buds last year were under par for density and bud:leaf ratio because the corrections just didn't happen in time,.. it helped some for sure, as did the Mammoth P inoculant, but not all responded that well,... this year, fuck the burned tips, I have solid bud formation going, so I'm golden! Soon, it will be time for Avalanche (bud hardener) and Bud Factor-X (trich' stimulator),....
I'll swing by soon mate,..lately the Infirmary has been so batshit crazy I hardly have time to visit other grows, which sucks!....