BioTabs Biotabs with GN Telos - Mephisto Sour Livers & Seed Stockers OG Kush

@blue :nono:-- I didn't get the damn tag Blooo, so sorry! Holler louder next time- :rofl: :pighug:... this is what happens when you don't get me the "close-up's" I ask for..! :hump::eek1: :rofl:

... Sooo, I think you have a rare one(s) here luv -- -B defc., maybe Mn defc.,... these are rare, as such and I don't have a lot of experience with ID'ing them, and good reliable pics are scarce,... but this looks a lot like what Greenskell had on his Think Fast, and we decided it was B defc. most likely, so he treated with borax... and it worked! Our speculation was that he had a lot of Ca in there from supplementing, and too much Ca can mess with B uptake,.. you have very hard water, lots of CaCO3 in there, and after a while it accumulates since you have zero run-off,... like Fe, Zn, higher end alkalinity (6.8+) will also start to lock B out due to chemistry changes,... Do you have an Accurate 8 unit?... Mn is a little a little better on this, but since you're in coco, not true soil, best I can due is sort of "average" out what the charts indicate on soil vs hydro--

.... Now all that said, P demand is high now, which can cause similar necrotic spotting, and color fade (not listed per se as a symptom, but I see it too often to be coincidence).. Ca can too, but it's far more rare to see that larger blotching, and no fine rusty ones either, so I rule that out,.. K too, that always hits the margin teeth first and worst,... Another co-possibility is S defc, which some epsoms can fix forthwith! S fades the whole plant usually, top worst and first as it too is immobile,... that you can just go ahead and do, 5ml/L into pots and/or foliar... do you have wetting agent, or castille soap? I like Coco-Wet,....
None of the Biotabs products will fix this directly, especially if the in-pot pH is off,.. My call is to get boric acid (contact cleaner?) or borax itself and water it in, plus maybe foliar treat, 5ml/gal.... or get a dedicated Micronutrient supplement like Earth Juice Microblast, or equivalent.. not sure what's in UK for this that isn't gods-awful $$! .... Ditto for Optic Foliar Transport used with boric acid, or microblast to literally soak in in there,... All the mentioned micro's are immobile within the plant, so foliar is usually the best and fastest way to treat,.. soil drench works, but is slower,.. but once in established tissues, there they stay,....
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@blue :nono:-- I didn't get the damn tag Blooo, so sorry! Holler louder next time- :rofl: :pighug:... this is what happens when you don't get me the "close-up's" I ask for..! :hump::eek1: :rofl:

... Sooo, I think you have a rare one(s) here luv -- -B defc., maybe Mn defc.,... these are rare, as such and I don't have a lot of experience with ID'ing them, and good reliable pics are scarce,... but this looks a lot like what Greenskell had on his Think Fast, and we decided it was B defc. most likely, so he treated with borax... and it worked! Our speculation was that he had a lot of Ca in there from supplementing, and too much Ca can mess with B uptake,.. you have very hard water, lots of CaCO3 in there, and after a while it accumulates since you have zero run-off,... like Fe, Zn, higher end alkalinity (6.8+) will also start to lock B out due to chemistry changes,... Do you have an Accurate 8 unit?... Mn is a little a little better on this, but since you're in coco, not true soil, best I can due is sort of "average" out what the charts indicate on soil vs hydro--
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.... Now all that said, P demand is high, now, which can cause similar necrotic spotting, and color fade (not listed per se as a symptom, but I see it too often to be coincidence).. Ca can too, but it's far more rare to see that larger blotching, and no fine rusty ones either, so I rule that out,.. K too, that always hits the margin teeth first and worst,... Another co-possibility is S defc, which some epsoms can fix forthwith! S fades the whole plant usually, top worst and first as it too is immobile,... that you can just go ahead and do, 5ml/L into pots and/or foliar... do you have wetting agent, or castille soap? I like Coco-Wet,....
None of the Biotabs products will fix this directly, especially if the in-pot pH is off,.. My call is to get boric acid (contact cleaner?) or borax itself and water it in, plus maybe foliar treat, 5ml/gal.... or get a dedicated Micronutrient supplement like Earth Juice Microblast, or equivalent.. not sure what's in UK for this that isn't gods-awful $$! .... Ditto for Optic Foliar Transport used with boric acid, or microblast to literally soak in in there,... All the mentioned micro's are immobile within the plant, so foliar is usually the best and fastest way to treat,.. soil drench works, but is slower,.. but once in established tissues, there they stay,....

Wairakins!! :D You made it - not at all lured in by the close-ups!! :eyebrows:

Wowsers! It's like a scientific dissertation on the funky bunch!!
Hmm - so i am actually using soil (and not coco - i went for canna terra pro soil) - but its good to hear i've got a rare one! :D how excitinhg!

Do you have an Accurate 8 unit?

No - that would be far too handy!! ^_^

do you have wetting agent, or castille soap?

Like a water based lube for plants :eyebrows: ... what are you suggesting (pervert!) ... I know what you mean (Y), i like to get things slippery with a bit fo fairy liquid (washing up soap) - before spraying all over them!! :haha:

My call is to get boric acid (contact cleaner?) or borax itself and water it in

Wait one minute!! This is an ORGANIC grow :grrr2: ... and my Herd is angry at the suggestion that i would douse them in contact cleaner! (but maybe, just maybe thats the way to make them work harder!?? .... punishment for the herd!!!)

Another co-possibility is S defc, which some epsoms can fix forthwith!

I've never ever heard of S def ... are you pulling my leg now :rofl: ... if i take all the letters of defs you've mentioned and line them up .... does it spell something hilarious and obscene!? :rofl: ... I can water in some epsom salts no problem .... what kinda sprinkle you reckon ... one spoon or two dear??

None of the Biotabs products will fix this directly, especially if the in-pot pH is off,.

Ohhh that's great news considering i've got 4 in each pot :funny: :funny: :funny:

plus maybe foliar treat, 5ml/gal.

Spray em with the BOOM again! got it!

As for the PH, i've gone back to bottled water from the store which has a lower PH and i've also been giving them PK juice. I think i'm gonna start to up the dosage and regularity to twice a week (force feed them!)

Thanks for all the in depth information - i can definately do some of these things without breaking too much of a sweat! :D


Waira you're the bestest!!!

:vibe: :thanks:
:hump::hump::hump: :wiz: :hump::hump::hump:--- Oh you clever minx you, reading through all my articulately disguised innuendo! :eek1: :crying:.. did you figure out the element symbol scramble yet? :eyebrows: .. if you do, I'll be horrified that you did, it's sooo bad,...:rofl:

--- ah, right--soil,.. what'd I say...? :baked: .. simplifies matters in fact,... IF you had that Accurate 8! ...cough up the quid luv, you'll never look back! ... your water, is that what you had been using before changing? (cumulative caCO3, plus what's in the soil as lime, plus Tabs.. might be behind it) ...I really do feel it's needed to check my friend, alkalinity is a suspect here for sure,... generally, soil has a tougher time buffering alkalinity than acidity..... but I too had some issues with micro's on a couple of my photo gals, Zn I believe.... so it could easily be either case,.. trouble is, treating/feeding in-pot when pH is off ain't gonna work as you know.... What I like about the dedicated micro'-supp's is it's a shotgun blast of them all, and often there can be co-defc.'s but only one shows well enough to ID,... this way your butt is covered (snicker) regardless,... I wish i knew what was readily available out your way,.. perhaps the Earth Juice Microblast is?....... LOL!-- no worries about the boric acid mate, with all that hard water, and the low conc. used (still 5ml/gal, or say 2ml/L) it'll be fine,...I think most drug stores will have boric acid.... I like that better because it's already in solution, ionized and ready to absorb,... you can mix it with some Orgatrex or Boom Boom if you like, for chelation,.. but as a foliar, I'd stay straight solution there,...

Like a water based lube for plants :eyebrows: ... what are you suggesting (pervert!) ... I know what you mean (Y), i like to get things slippery with a bit fo fairy liquid (washing up soap) - before spraying all over them!! :haha:
:eek1: :pimp: Oh!- that's nast-eh,..
:funny:...yes,.. I am,...and you love it! :smoking:

>>> would I lie to you-?? :evil1:-- :rofl:
---> S defc. .... 1tsp/L for soil, half that for foliar,.. get tops and bottom of leaves,...(most stomata are on the undersides)... And buy some Transport, or even OverGrow! I think Dinesh said Optic Foliar now has a UK distibutor,.. I'm telling you, this stuff is magic :biggrin:-- Transport + micronute's will beat pretty much any defc. with a cricket bat!

:bighug: :pass: Cheers luv! ...Anytime,...
@Waira :funny::funny::funny:

Thanks sweetheart! :d5:
So i just need to whack the plant with a cricket bat!! Got it! :thumbsup:

DAY 46
As per the instructions of wonder waira i've sprayed the leaves with BoomBoom spray with 1 microdrop of dishwashing soap.
I've also watered in 2 spoons (technical measurement) of epsom salts to the SSOGK.

I've upped the PK juice to 15ml per litre for the Mephisto and 20ml per litre for the SSOGK. - They're getting this twice a week now. Still chugging about 1.5l per day each.

They're getting water that has a PH of 6.2 now. (no chlorine, from the shop!)


And a song for SSOGK :coffee:

:vibe:- :rofl:
...naughty on the dish soap, too full of powerful ionic surfactants! You need to able to use juuuust enough to make it coat and stick, low-to-no beading,... don't you have a wetting agent already from using coco in the past? If not, castille soap will be okay,... Oh, and where's the B,...B' ?! :pimp: :haha: :rofl:
Day 53
..They call me mellow yellow

Day 53 and they've been on water with increased PK feedings. (Too strong at 20ml per litre ... the Mephisto got tip burned)


SeedStockers OG Kush bud formation

Mephsito Sour Livers Buds

It's going to be alright!!

Hi Blue. I also think the yellowing may be some sort of lock out due to calcium overdose. I have had similar. I see lots of mainly cob grows where people have heard that cobs/leds suck calmag from plants and they add lots and lots of calmag from an early age. This starts to build up and locks something out and the yellowing starts. First reaction is to think calmag def and loads more gets added, making the lock out worse and the yellowing continues.

This is pure, slightly mad, theory in my head. I don't understand it as such, just what I've experienced and observed. I've never added any supplemental calmag to any biotabs grow (under cobs) and I've only really had one plant with calmag def and she was about 2 inches from the cobs! I believe there is plenty of cal in our tap water that is generally sufficient. I honestly think there is a bit of a myth thing developing with all the calmag talk, but I'm sure everyone will disagree.

Just to repeat, I've never added any calmag supplement to biotabs grows and they haven't needed any!