BioTabs Biotabs with Duggy

I'm just trying to push the plants further to see what happens. Noting depletion early in flower and would prefer not to be feeding them by hand other than a little BioPK.
I may also look at adding additional Biotabs at start of flowering hoping to find a simple approach which produces consistent good results...

Nice idea :thumbsup:. I have seen Biotabs+Autopot grows with soil that is fertilized for 6 weeks (Plagron Royal Mix) and there was no nute burn and the plants were lush and green until harvest. However, those grows were watered by hand with bloom nutes and Orgatrex every week in flower, so this is no precise information.
I'm sure I'll continue to struggle...


Oh Duggy!! The struggle looks Real!! :rofl: :rofl: - If that's how they grow when you're struggling, i'd say you're doing alright :D ... Although i'm learning a lot from your thread and will be employing(/stealing) your methods!

I will continue to start in Light Mix and transplant to the hotter final mix.
I'll have to look and see what's available.

Try Biobizz AllMix .. it's worked for me before and sometimes a bit too hot for a seedling, but a transplant into it may work well.

I need to pickup some of that BIoPK juice for next run .. and last grow added 1 extra tab during flower ... but probably could have gone with 2.

I'll be trying tap water on my next run - The strawberries were doing fine with water from the garden hose, so why wouldn't my canna plant!? & getting rid of that many 5 litre tescos bottles was a mission! :D
All Mix is the likely candidate @blue due to its ready availability. I may use differing methods in 2 pots to see which works best.
I'm out of stock so will have to keep snipping samples from the Blackberry Gum...:smoking:
Looks worth the wait. And loads of fat blooms.

May I suggest adding the Lightmix at the top and all mix at the bottom has worked well for me. Also add Silicium Flash as an amendment in the soil and as a top dressing around day 30. Im leaning how to dial In a Bio tabs grow. But it gives me control over the nutes as I can let people just add water as Im not always around. Laters and lovely looking tent bro.

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Got some sweet looking bud in your tent man!
We are also in the proces of making our own soil.

No more hesitating what soil to use ;)

Here is a photo of one of our first test
The Left is the new Biotabs soil.
Right is a mix of plagron pro mix, and biobizz soil.

We have quite some testing to do, before it wil be available.
But we are really stoked with the results so far!
