Bio Bizz Knowledge base

The best dude, Blackstrap is what you'll find most people on here using so yeah, get that one if you can :)


Most growers use CalMag yes but even more so when they are growing with LEDs there seems to be a bigger demand for it..
I have dropped my CalMag completely and kept my Alg A Mic at 4ml per l from week 5 and ive not realy had much Cal or Mag defs.
My advice would be use grow bloom and alg a mic.(if your not getting CalMag)

I use epsom salts for mag, don't have to add calcium as i use Fish-Mix.
Thank you guys/girls for all the good replys!!!

Sounds like i got a couple of good choices! I will use CFL for the whole grow.
I will buy the blackstrap molasses cause ive seen good results with it. The calMag could wait a couple of weeks to see further on if they will need it or not :)
Any things to take into considering when using Bio-Bizz products outdoors on guerilla plants? I have that fish mix might attract unwanted animals due to the smell?
Awesome thread definitely a must read for all organic growers!
what sort of dosage for the Epsom salts hazy ?

I PM'd HAZY about this the other day this was his reply roofus...

Re: Hazy Feed Guide
All good Chop Chop, thanks for askin'.

I've slightly change it since then, I now add 1/2 teaspoon epsom salts to every 2L of feed. The reason is to stop Mag def by ensuring there is a supply in the soil...but not too much, as that would cause as many problems as i'm trying to avoid, with the fish-mix you shouldn't get any calcium def as it's basically ground up, fish so there is plenty of calcium available for the plants, which is essential in the later stages of flowering for good trichome developement.

Hope this helps bro.

It will save you waiting and him replying...

Glad to hear I'm not the only one who gets CalMag issue's

Gotten it with every grow now in the last 18 months or so

Which is sorta why I'm back here if I'm being honest . . .:grin:

So i usually add in the order of the feed chart starting with
RootJuice BioGrow BioBloom Heaven Alg-a-Mic & TopMax (example)

As ive read on threads by other reputable growers that you
add the Nutrient with the highest concentration of Calcium...
1. Does this matter with 'BioBizz' or is it just the synthetic types?

2. If so which BioBizz nutes has the most Calcium and in which
order should we be adding them to our feed being prepared ??

Also as of the latest Amended BioBizz Nutrient Schedule it has
a recommened dose for both ALL-MIX and LIGHT-MIX as per
bottle of Nutrient...EXCEPT for ALG-a-MIC when using All-mix,
3. Why is this ???

4. And Why is FISHMIX not even on it ???? :dunno:

If anyone could help with this it would be greatly appreciated! :thumbs:

Hey guys think I made a boo boo wat do you think I should do .I read the biobizz chart and a friend of mine told me it was for autos. So I went with it my babies are 4 weeks from seed n I gave them what week 3 says on the chart .grow bloom heaven and topmax (very light dosage )using amixture of all mix and light doesn't seem to have affected them in any way and ive fed them bout twice so far wih itshould I flush with plain wateror just discontinue the bloom and topmax still no pistels or anything yet a real rookie mistake I know .oh im usin straight up rainwater too no ph adjusters for me .
Hey guys think I made a boo boo wat do you think I should do .I read the biobizz chart and a friend of mine told me it was for autos. So I went with it my babies are 4 weeks from seed n I gave them what week 3 says on the chart .grow bloom heaven and topmax (very light dosage )using amixture of all mix and light doesn't seem to have affected them in any way and ive fed them bout twice so far wih itshould I flush with plain wateror just discontinue the bloom and topmax still no pistels or anything yet a real rookie mistake I know .oh im usin straight up rainwater too no ph adjusters for me .


All fine :)

just stop the Bloom for now until they finish to stretch.
