Bio Bizz Knowledge base

Thanks dude :)

I actually did have the grow riding at 4ml all the way to week 9 but I've decided to knock it back early to make the plant drink her reserves instead, save myself some nutrients where I can (Cheapskate)
"Sharing One"

Nothing wrong with that im running low on heaven so just feeding it once a week as no point me buying more as grow will end in febuary with yum yums lol got to move house again (up to now anyway)"DubV's Peace"
February ay.... Just enough time to throw a couple of 'Sweets' in the corner of your tent, fill it up before you leave ;)

I don't envy you though, moving house is a sucky affair... More little'uns on the way?? lol ;)

"Sharing One"
Nice ladies there Captain Howdy I really like the Lemon Sherbert "Pure Eye Candy" I haven't seen this strain before (that I can remember) anyways awesome job with this grow.
Thanks J dude, you'll find them being grown here
That picture was actually taken on day 62 so there's still a bit of time left on her yet, she smells like over-ripe, close to rotting fruit :)

Can't wait to see your feeding plan DC, gonna have to pinch a few ideas from you as I'm about to buy the added extras (Root/Heaven and what not) ;)

"Sharing One"
Dont know if this Q already has been answered and if it is im so sorry for making this post (searched and no founds!)
Ive read that most of the autoflower grower use cal-mag for their plants and im wondering if i can grow with only Bio Grow and Bloom or should i get some cal-mag to?
i live in north Scandinavia and i have searched the local shops for some cal-mag boosters and have not found one..

Smoke well :smokebuds:
Hey algreen, don't be afraid to post a question if you can't find the answer, good to hear you did a bit of searching first :thumbs:

Using BioGrow and BioBloom I've noticed in the 5th-7th week you really need some kind of calcium and magnesium supplement, they don't seem to have anything in them to help with this. I bought my Cal/Mag from Amazon, if that's an option then I'd say buy it there, that'll save a lot of foot work looking for it in the shops.
If not then a cheaper option is to save your eggshells and either slowly dry them out on the windowsill until you can crush them easily, or put them in an oven on a low heat for about 10 minutes. Put them in a bag a smash the hell out of them with a rolling pin or something.
You can either sprinkle this dust on top of your soil or do what I do and use a chopstick to poke deep holes in the soil and fill it back up with shell-dust, this gets it down in the roots nice and quick. (About 2-3 eggshells per 10 litre pot)
That sorts out a cheap Calcium supplement.
For magnesium I either use Epsom salts which you'll find in a health store, they're used as bath salts. I can't remember the correct measurements but I tend to add 1 teaspoon per litre of water and that sorts and problems out.
Another magnesium option is using molasses (Black Treacle (like you'd bake a cake with)), again, 1 teaspoon per litre on every other feed has seen me well up until I bought some Cal/Mag.
A combination of Epsom Salts and molasses is something I often feed to my plants.

Hope some of this helps :)

Hey algreen, don't be afraid to post a question if you can't find the answer, good to hear you did a bit of searching first :thumbs:

Using BioGrow and BioBloom I've noticed in the 5th-7th week you really need some kind of calcium and magnesium supplement, they don't seem to have anything in them to help with this. I bought my Cal/Mag from Amazon, if that's an option then I'd say buy it there, that'll save a lot of foot work looking for it in the shops.
If not then a cheaper option is to save your eggshells and either slowly dry them out on the windowsill until you can crush them easily, or put them in an oven on a low heat for about 10 minutes. Put them in a bag a smash the hell out of them with a rolling pin or something.
You can either sprinkle this dust on top of your soil or do what I do and use a chopstick to poke deep holes in the soil and fill it back up with shell-dust, this gets it down in the roots nice and quick. (About 2-3 eggshells per 10 litre pot)
That sorts out a cheap Calcium supplement.
For magnesium I either use Epsom salts which you'll find in a health store, they're used as bath salts. I can't remember the correct measurements but I tend to add 1 teaspoon per litre of water and that sorts and problems out.
Another magnesium option is using molasses (Black Treacle (like you'd bake a cake with)), again, 1 teaspoon per litre on every other feed has seen me well up until I bought some Cal/Mag.
A combination of Epsom Salts and molasses is something I often feed to my plants.

Hope some of this helps :)


My man! Thank you very much for that informative post!!
i will check Amazon and Ebay for some cal-mag but if i dont find any in my economic range i will check that Eggshell plus Epsom/molasses, it sure sounds like a good plan if i dont get any :)
Ive only seen Blackstrap Molasses, is this okey for mag booster?

And again, thank you Captain Howdy! Your help is really appreciated.:hug:
Ive only seen Blackstrap Molasses, is this okey for mag booster?
The best dude, Blackstrap is what you'll find most people on here using so yeah, get that one if you can :)

Ive read that most of the autoflower grower use cal-mag for their plants and im wondering if i can grow with only Bio Grow and Bloom or should i get some cal-mag to?
i live in north Scandinavia and i have searched the local shops for some cal-mag boosters and have not found one..

Smoke well :smokebuds:
Most growers use CalMag yes but even more so when they are growing with LEDs there seems to be a bigger demand for it..
I have dropped my CalMag completely and kept my Alg A Mic at 4ml per l from week 5 and ive not realy had much Cal or Mag defs.
My advice would be use grow bloom and alg a mic.(if your not getting CalMag)
Dont know if this Q already has been answered and if it is im so sorry for making this post (searched and no founds!)
Ive read that most of the autoflower grower use cal-mag for their plants and im wondering if i can grow with only Bio Grow and Bloom or should i get some cal-mag to?
i live in north Scandinavia and i have searched the local shops for some cal-mag boosters and have not found one..

Smoke well :smokebuds:

I use epsom salts for mag, don't have to add calcium as i use Fish-Mix.