Bio Bizz Knowledge base


I think I start to give 1ml/l @ week 2 or 3 then 3 @ 4 and etc... , here is a link of my schedule that I tried my last grow (I cannot open the picture of th eschedule in my browser and not home, maybe you can:))
The only difference to that schedule I did to my today started grow I am @ nearly 50 days and much week 4 I was on FM 3ml/l and G 2ml/l Bloom 4 will re-update when completed but give
Here at 40's and 30's days:

Hope it helps :)


Cheers bro:tiphat:
Hey Sour.b welcome to AFN bro.... I used Batmix once and didnt add nutes like it says on the bag.... lol that lasted about a week before they started yellowing through hunger... :Sharing One:

I was actually wondering about this, thanks for the input bro, I will start on the nutes on day 6 or 7 I think (day 5 now)...:tiphat:
I was actually wondering about this, thanks for the input bro, I will start on the nutes on day 6 or 7 I think (day 5 now)...:tiphat:

Is that Day5 since breaking soil????... If so bro day 6/7 could be a tad too early... General rule is dont give them nutes until they have there second leaf set thats not counting the first little round ones..
Is that Day5 since breaking soil????... If so bro day 6/7 could be a tad too early... General rule is dont give them nutes until they have there second leaf set thats not counting the first little round ones..

Day 6 today (I think..) and second set of leaves is pushing, I will wait until they a bit more formed... Joining a pics from yesterday day 5, this is #2 the smallest of the two.. I started my journal the link is in my signature, what do you think bro?
Getting some Alg a Mic today, and cal/mag from the shop today..
I think it looks good mate and yeah hold off on the nutes for a bit... To be honest i dont give anything but plain water for the first 2 weeks.....:thumbs: :peace:

I'll be along to sub up shortly.....:Sharing One:
Thanks mate:thumbs: , I will wait a bit longer then, thanks for the advice bud..:peace:

All fine :)

just stop the Bloom for now until they finish to stretch.


Hey bro how r you. I took ur advice and layed off the bloom for a bit but im concerned sbout the stretch
Today they only 25 cms or so.have I stunted or should they just explode in height over the nxt few weeks .5 weeks from seed today
:Sharing One:20140211_130233.jpg
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guys i have 2 girls 3 weeks old in my allmix soil and they have 4 sets of true leafs, i wanna stick with bio bizz nutes all the grow if possible, and i just started 1/4 strength of bio grow today, when should i start use alg a mic (low dose) for prevent the famous cal/mag def in 5/6 week? already searched but coudnt find nothing, and the bio bizz schedule just have alg a mic for light mix soil :/
Use all products suitable for the grow phase in the first stages of growing: Stick with moderate dosages of between 1-2ml per liter. When the plants are in full flower, switch to the products suitable for flowering. ( but continue always with Bio-Grow as with normal plants )

Can I ask, do you mean, I mix say, a liter of water with 2ml of Bio-grow and 2ml of Bio-Bloom? I use Biobizz All-mix and rain water. Do I need to be aware of anything PH wise?

Apologies, I'm a beginner!

guys i have 2 girls 3 weeks old in my allmix soil and they have 4 sets of true leafs, i wanna stick with bio bizz nutes all the grow if possible, and i just started 1/4 strength of bio grow today, when should i start use alg a mic (low dose) for prevent the famous cal/mag def in 5/6 week? already searched but coudnt find nothing, and the bio bizz schedule just have alg a mic for light mix soil :/

What is the famous cal/mag def in 5/6 weeks?