Bio Bizz Knowledge base

guys i have 2 girls 3 weeks old in my allmix soil and they have 4 sets of true leafs, i wanna stick with bio bizz nutes all the grow if possible, and i just started 1/4 strength of bio grow today, when should i start use alg a mic (low dose) for prevent the famous cal/mag def in 5/6 week? already searched but coudnt find nothing, and the bio bizz schedule just have alg a mic for light mix soil :/

Late reply sorry bro.... Just to say imo being organic you can use Algamic from as early as 3 weeks old, because when watering i water numerous plants mine often get a dose at seedling stage to no ill affect.....:thumbs:

Can I ask, do you mean, I mix say, a liter of water with 2ml of Bio-grow and 2ml of Bio-Bloom? I use Biobizz All-mix and rain water. Do I need to be aware of anything PH wise?

Apologies, I'm a beginner!

If your plants are in flower then yes mix grow and bloom, but if they are still in veg then only Bio-grow....
Last time i checked the pH on rain water it was over 8, so yes you do need to be aware of what the pH of your water is and adjust accordingly....
Thanks! My rainwater PH is just under 6, yet my tap water is over 7. Thanks again for the nutrient mix advice. :)
Thanks! My rainwater PH is just under 6, yet my tap water is over 7. Thanks again for the nutrient mix advice. :)

Do you check your pH after you have added nutes???... I use tap water which is around 7 but after adding nutes etc mine drops to around 6.5-6.7 which is in range for soil growing....

If your rain water is 6 then time you have added nutes it could be too low for them, in my experience adding nutes etc lowers the pH values.... Something to bare in mind if you dont already.....
Do you check your pH after you have added nutes???... I use tap water which is around 7 but after adding nutes etc mine drops to around 6.5-6.7 which is in range for soil growing....

If your rain water is 6 then time you have added nutes it could be too low for them, in my experience adding nutes etc lowers the pH values.... Something to bare in mind if you dont already.....

Hey N.W.

Thanks for the info. I think you are right. My problem was that my ph testing kit didn't show anything below 6. Now when I tested it after adding nutes, it still showed under 6. I made the mistake of thinking this was OK, as the soil ph said something like 6.5 I believe. I think this has definitely had something to do with my problems. I was using tap water before which after adding nutes I just had to add a very tiny amount of ph down.

I have some ph up, but I'd rather not use it. I need a better ph tester, one that I can also test the soil with too.

Thanks again for the help with this.
No problem bro.... Yes if you having problems it will be down to the pH, you really should be watering with more than 6.5... I like to be 6.7 even as high as 7, that gives me a run-off pH of around 6.5 which for me is a good number....

Test strips are ok but yeah you really need to get a decent pH meter, no need to test the soil just check the pH off your run-off water... it should be between 6.3 - 6.7

This chart should help explain the pH values.....

Hey n.w,Do you use All-mix? What nutes do you use? My friend doesn't use organic nutes and he has no problems at all.
What is the famous cal/mag def in 5/6 weeks?

Some people that grow in all mix, using just bbizz products have mg def, i had it myself at week 4. searched for epsom salts, but apparently in my location, i couldn't find it anywhere, grabbed a mg8 by bionova from a grow shop. It did the job really fast :)

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Late reply sorry bro.... Just to say imo being organic you can use Algamic from as early as 3 weeks old, because when watering i water numerous plants mine often get a dose at seedling stage to no ill affect.....:thumbs:

No worries mate, i started alg a mic in that day, and the girls loved it.

Hey n.w,Do you use All-mix? What nutes do you use? My friend doesn't use organic nutes and he has no problems at all.

I dont at present use All Mix but i have in the past and i have always used Bio-Grow and Bloom, Algamic, when in bloom i also use AN's BudBlood, BigBud and Overdrive....

No worries mate, i started alg a mic in that day, and the girls loved it.

Good to hear mate... Its great stuff and cheap to boot..... :thumbs:
Hey n.w! I figured it out today, well, I think I did. I conducted a small test. 1 litter of rainwater, 1 litter of tap water. 2ml of Bio-Grow and 2ml of Bio-Bloom (pretty much what I would start feeding at 4 weeks, when my plants have started to go bad). The ph of rain water with those nutes was under 6, with the tap water-6.4-6.6. I have been feeding my plants rain water with nutes and no ph adjustment. I honestly think this is why, along with some over watering, that I'm having problems.

Thanks for the info and guidance!

Peace and Love.

The numbers your getting from the Tap water sound perfect to me... If i was you i would forget about the rain water and just use tap water.... By now you could of caused nutrient lock-out, how do your plants look are they yellowing any brown spots???...

Over watering is a common mistake when you first start out... Are you using solid pots, now days i only use Airpots its very hard to over water them with all those Fabric pots are the same they both let out excess water....