Indoor Bill's Test Thread

Turned the reservoir on today. Water only. Osmocoat seems to be doing the trick as we head farther into flower.

Guess we'll have to see how many times I can reuse just by adding more for each grow.
So, got a dilemma of mine own my zeal to get all my outside plants repotted, cared for and ready for the fall push towards winter......I used all my spent soil I was saving. If I'm going to stay on a schedule of starting the next round in separate pots to just slip into the trays when these are ready to come out and be chopped I'll have to buy new HF, but I'm really just wanting to keep this experiment in simplicity where near running out of bud so that's not a consideration.....Guess I got some thinking to do on the subject... :kitty:
50 days
Still only water straight from the tap.

A few have some tip burn but not too bad.


The Strawberry Mango Crumble showing some rust colored spots that I'm thinking could be from not pH ing the water causing a slight lockout. But it's not too bad or even near as bad as I've had at times before.

And a couple closer shots


So far it's working out fairly well but the real test will be the next couple of rounds to see if it can be a sustainable nutrient program.
Thought about it a bit and with the bit of used soil I have left if I buy a small bag of cheap ass potting soil I should be able to fill up enough solo cups to start next round. I had a good seeding from the STS test so I'm going to do the GT's and cause they were about the size of these maybe 2 per pot.
57 days
Still growing and putting on weight...really surprised how this is turning out so far....and really liking not pH ing water or nutrient mix...still got fungus gnats even after the mosquito bits drenching so going to do a bake off of the soil once these are done and just scorched earth the lil basturdz....

A few close ups to show the level of nutrient defficiency I'm noticing.

Am showing a bit on the Strawberry Mango Crumble.
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Even watching over them real well there can be screwups. Since the Wishing Stars were regs I tried an old trick I learned in the 80's...put a bin of water in your space. It'll let you know if you missed a male or Hermie.

Might be seeing seeds from this batch.
Even watching over them real well there can be screwups. Since the Wishing Stars were regs I tried an old trick I learned in the 80's...put a bin of water in your space. It'll let you know if you missed a male or Hermie.
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Might be seeing seeds from this batch.
What does that do?