Indoor Bill's Test Thread

And we have proof of viability. That 1st seed I plucked and soaked.
Unfortunately, the GT succumbed to the heat before I got it back inside....... plenty more on those in a later grow set.....I totally screwed 10 beans from the Frost Brothers grow by doing them in rockwool cubes like I used last year, with fair success planted the last 5 and they grew good, unfortunately again...all we are left with the Wishing Star regular auto freebies I got from OSS...( think Treesinger did those, I'll have to look back in my pack) all direct planted along with the Frost's...10 beans, 3 males, 5 females, 2 dead......also have a Mephisto feminized freebie, Strawberry Mango we got 6 females for the tent.
IMG20220728145505.jpg may be wondering...where's the test if this is a test thread.....Right here kittens.

Did a little searching on site, a little on the web and a little on YT.......not much out there that I could find and I'm pretty good at formulating search guy on YT did a space bucket grow using it, I found it mentioned on here but no full on grow thread using it.....I know a couple peeps are trying out the grow dots so figured since HD was out of Happy Frog and my lazy ass wasn't going to drive all over the county looking for it.....why not.
Last edited: may be wondering...where's the test if this is a test thread.....Right here kittens.
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Did a little searching on site, a little on the web and a little on YT.......not much out there that I could find and I'm pretty good at formulating search guy on YT did a space bucket grow using it, I found it mentioned on here but no full on grow thread using it.....I know a couple peeps are trying out the grow dots so figured since HD was out of Happy Frog and my lazy ass wasn't going to drive all over the county looking for it.....why not.
That looks interesting, definitely going to follow along to see how it goes. Trying grow dots myself now.
That looks interesting, definitely going to follow along to see how it goes. Trying grow dots myself now.
I just looked up on the shelf while trying to find rose feed...and thought, why the hell not......only 3 ways it can go, I find a new grow style, It's "Meh" and I go back to 1 part MC, or it's a freacking flaming shit matter what, it'll be entertaining.
I just looked up on the shelf while trying to find rose feed...and thought, why the hell not......only 3 ways it can go, I find a new grow style, It's "Meh" and I go back to 1 part MC, or it's a freacking flaming shit matter what, it'll be entertaining.
No doubt! Either way I'm in for it :pop:
Ok, got permission through OSS from TreeSinger to use the males on the Wishing Star line...So gotta figure out which one or ones are going out on the back deck for pollen. Going to be a chore but hopefully I'll get pollen quickly so it can be chopped. Maybe it'll help him decide if he wants to carry that line farther...So, we will have 5 Wishing Star females and 1 Mephisto Strawberry Mango Crumble in the tent. Still in the process of getting it cleaned and set up, all autopot gear cleaned now and sitting on my bed so at least the tent will be cleaned and the trays set before I can sleep tonight. Got 2 pots worth of the old soil ( from last grow) in the bin being mixed 1/4 addition of perlite, and twice recommended Osmocoat. Next 2 will be at recommended dosage and half dosage for the last 2.....Fully expect to have some failure especially going into flower which should start pretty quickly.......
Ok, almost done. Soaking mosquito bits to water them in with to get a jump on anything living in the reused soil.

From right to left, 2 x wishing star with 6 scoops between both pots, 2 x Wishing Star with 3 scoops between the pots and a Wishing Star in back and Strawberry Mango Crumble in front with 2 scoops between the pots. I dumped 2 pots at a time into my bin, added perlite, a bit more old HF and the Osmocoat and mixed it all then put it back into the 2 pots. Transplant was a breeze with them being in the solo's too long. Nice rootballs for easy removal, MykosWP powder in each hole, dropped em in and set em.....waiting on the bits to soak then a watering and clean up and I'm done for the day.....already throwing pistils so they most likely gonna stay on the smaller side....will do the male in the morning for the back deck.....had 2 of the 3 showing pistils so it'll only be one, going to be fun keeping it going outside with August heat coming on but hoping for pollen in about a month...
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