Major problems have set in. Most may know that I grow in an unheated garage. With the recent weather changes- f-ing cold! My main rooms insulated well floor to ceiling with a mini-split and dehumidifier. I got a little excited and threw in a 5x5 tent outside the heated space for fun/testing and to really show off the lights. What I did was ran a 4” fan/ vent to the tent with a 6” return. This was supposed to allow me to take my wonderful air from the main space and dump it into the tent and return the colder air to the room. 2 issues are the tent is creating so much moisture that the exchange isn’t enough to keep the RH low enough. Hovering in the 70’s. The second problem is I sealed up the garage so well moisture outside the tent has risen. The tent is warm while the air outside the tent is below freezing. This is creating condensation and the ceiling is literally dripping.
Last winter it worked. I ran a heater and dehumidifier inside the tent. Outside the tent I left the normal ventilation in place flowing air naturally like when it was constructed. I have to take everything down and try to squeeze the plants into my main room which had space. I just started 16 more seedlings recently to keep the perpetual grow going. So now I’m really screwed. The only positive thing I can say with all of this and not because I sell the them but luckily I do have the cobs in place. Everything changed, flipped, turned and then changed again and I still have light everywhere I need it.