If I buy a sony product and its faulty, I take it back to were I got it from, to have it replaced. I don't go to the sony forum and say all your products are shit.
If there is a problem, I'm sure it can be sorted. Which shop/business purposely tries to piss off there customers.
I have received lots of help on here so far, and want it to continue. Getting that kind of FREE support to help me achieve my goals is priceless. If ppl continue to have a hair trigger, when things dont go right, no one will want to help, in fear of them having it thrown back in their face.
So far I have only done about 13 auto seeds a few didn't germ, a few died, most are stunted and it's all my fault.
before i joined the AFnet, I joined r oll it up, I was confused about all the bashing, this doesn't work, thats shit.. led suck. etc etc..Firstly, as a new user, I was put of the site. Secondly I found that it was hard to find information that someone else wasn't slamming. As a noob I'm left thinking is he right or is he right.. which information is correct.
I put it down to ppl who have probably invested a lot of money into their equipment, and hates to see some guy with $30 bucks worth of cfls getting great results.
But that brings me to the point, How about an Auto-flowering Bible on this site, like a wiki, ppl with high ranks can edit and add to. Some times searching forum posts can be tedious.