Dinafem Big Kush Outdoor Guerrilla in the U.K.

Ah Nononononooooo monsieur... I got mine for free!

Yes... that’s FREE! In your face mo-fos!

(Cheers Mark!) [emoji8]

No problem what so ever mate happy to help :thumbsup:

I do want a lot more diaries going but the issue is USA and Canada members. I don't want to get a **seeds4diary** up and leave our friends across the pond out.

I'm thinking guys then we can really get the AFN platform rocking with Dinafem and AutoDinafem grows :bong:

Nice to see the banter alive and well :thumbsup:

Good luck this season all :pass;

All the best


And we're off :thumbsup:

Best of luck this season brother :thumbsup:

All the best

I say a week old, I not been counting tbh with them being photos there's not much point as when they're done they're done:-

BK1 - Earliest out probs day 10:


BK2 - Day 8ish:-


BK3 - Day 7 I think

Started em in root plugs, then moved to 3.8 litre fabric pots of straight coco with pm granules, one biotab, and dose of biotabs orgatrex. This way worked last time, so if it aint broke...

Thinking of doing a vlad and putting em straight in the ground in week or so's time, though not if weather is like today! :vibe:
Surely you're not just doing 2 plants outdoors this year, Vlad?
What other strains you got on the line? (Sorry if you've already posted this....)

Hi Maria! This is just the Dinafem thread, I’ve also got two of the heavyweight seeds Total Paralysis (won in the outdoor comp last year) and four Barney’s farm Pineapple chunk cuttings I acquired yesterday. [emoji1360]

It’s gonna be a big ol chop day this year. [emoji849]
Hi Maria! This is just the Dinafem thread, I’ve also got two of the heavyweight seeds Total Paralysis (won in the outdoor comp last year) and four Barney’s farm Pineapple chunk cuttings I acquired yesterday. [emoji1360]

It’s gonna be a big ol chop day this year. [emoji849]

Great! Let us all know how the Heavyweight's go, because....
don't know if you saw it or not, but....
a number of us had serious issues with HW seed germination in the HW comp thread.
Don't know if anyone did Total Paralysis or not,
but a number of the other strains had low germ % and came up weak / sickly.

How are the cuts? You get some special girls from a friend or something?