Photoperiod Bhaskara Grows: Cheese - Nicole x Banana OG - Big Lights and more.

2 Weeks of growth guys, holy crap! :nono:


Well come to find out the Early Skunk was a male as well, I thought it looked more female cause thought I seen a hair but it was something else, walked into the room and the Blue Cheese mine as well of said hey I am a girl cause you could see it plain as day without even a scope lol. I'm alright with it I was excited for this strain once but found out its a lower yielder and I basically already have a skunk cause the cheese is a skunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] pheno.

I am going to just pull the Skunk and put the Blue Cheese in place of it. The pic is the Blue Cheese. Bruce Banner [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] still not showing sex.


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Got the Blue Cheese swapped for the male Early Skunk in the Menards bucket.

Looks like the two on 12/12 are stretching. Both just got plain ph'd water 6.0 doing that a little while to get them regulated.


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Hey guys! I have been feeding all plants ph'd water of 5.8 to 6 depending on if in flower or veg and they seem to be doing better no sign of phospher problem especially on the Cheese on any new leaves, we shall see.

You can get these little white boards at Dollar Tree pretty cool to take down notes and such for a buck, stuck it up there with velcro.

The Bruce Banner [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] is killin me still no sign of sex, I prob shouldn't say this but thinking it will be female as males show sex sooner. Fingers crossed guys! :chimp:


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Looks like a dolar tree trip is in stpre for me lol. Nice plants. Love the big ones structute
How soon do you plan on flowering? Just waiting til they bounce back from the hiccup? How old are your biggest 2?
Looks like a dolar tree trip is in stpre for me lol. Nice plants. Love the big ones structute

Thanks bud! So far love the Big Bud in her, She is insane branch upon branch I recommend anyone trying this one so far, we will see when she finishes but she is a little bit more picky than the Cheese, the Cheese is strong as an Ox clones really easy too but the Big Lights is worth it.
How soon do you plan on flowering? Just waiting til they bounce back from the hiccup? How old are your biggest 2?

She has been in flower I think 3 days ago started 12/12 :biggrin: I put them in my old tent at midnight and take out at noon they seem to be stretching.