New Grower Berry Bomb.... First time Grower... Ever!!

As long as they are standing I say let them go. My current grow I had one of my seedlings shoot up to prob 3+ inches before I put her in the bucket and she's a big bushy girl now. Give them time to take root and you'll be surprised.
dcat you called it man!! they are starting now to get bushy... lol i thought of this exact post when i took pics this morning lol!
Question for all of you.... its not WHEN.... but WHY do i need to change the water outta my system? cant seem to find a clear answer online when i search for it. all the results are WHEN to change not WHY.... im trying to understand each step needed throughout the grow. As for common sense things such as alge buildup,bacteria, and of course nutrients going bad are some things i know. but is there something i am missing?
@witchyhour cant thank you enough for the advice you have provided so far! just wanted to show my appreciation...
Totally my pleasure! Now, what am I missing? The plants look good to me...quick question I may have already asked, the white paint you put on the lid, it blocks light, right? You don't want to light stunt roots...

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