New Grower Berry Bomb.... First time Grower... Ever!!

Question for all of you.... its not WHEN.... but WHY do i need to change the water outta my system? cant seem to find a clear answer online when i search for it. all the results are WHEN to change not WHY.... im trying to understand each step needed throughout the grow. As for common sense things such as alge buildup,bacteria, and of course nutrients going bad are some things i know. but is there something i am missing?
I only change my reservoirs is there's a problem, or when I switch to plain water to flush. If a pump or tubing gets clogged, I'll prepare a fresh bucket and transfer the plant if it's not something I can easily and quickly fix. Sometimes a plant's roots break a lot and clog stuff, it stops squinting water on the roots, etc. Other than that, I let it run super low, then top it off. If there aren't problems and it's not dirty, clogged, full of algie, then let it run is how I work with it...

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Totally my pleasure! Now, what am I missing? The plants look good to me...quick question I may have already asked, the white paint you put on the lid, it blocks light, right? You don't want to light stunt roots...

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yes... wut i did first was sprayed like 3 coats of black first. let it dry and then went in after with a couple coats of flat white.... double checked no light is getting through... plus it was a whole lot easier than trying to wrap them with mylar lol.
Pretty amazing, huh? Totally impressive!

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Thank you both for the kind words.. unfortunately funds are kinda short right now... had to stop in the middle of setup of the next ones cuz i almost forgot i had bills to pay hahahaha.... but i will post a pic of progress.. i must say when this is complete it will indeed be my ideal start for my first couple months of growing.
here it is... [emoji48] will be adding 6 more totes for plants and will add a secondary res with pumps as well to help circulate the water.. and after all that is done i will then seal that off and get a co2 generator... and will be building 7, 20 ft led bars... 2 for each the long sides and 3 for the celing... plan on putting 10 100w cob leds 2 ft apart.

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here it is... [emoji48] will be adding 6 more totes for plants and will add a secondary res with pumps as well to help circulate the water.. and after all that is done i will then seal that off and get a co2 generator... and will be building 7, 20 ft led bars... 2 for each the long sides and 3 for the celing... plan on putting 10 100w cob leds 2 ft apart.

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Yup, you definitely got the bug. Now, just be careful and don't tell many people.

I wish I could grow 100 plants and not get worried about it. We start thinking a system, then we improve it, and so on...

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Hey guys time for a lil update.. this weekend i found some time to put in work on my system... mainly jus moved the system a bit and moved a light... here is a pic.

As for the babies... they are all hitting some pretty explosive growth... but still kind of short all about 14-16" but showing signs of potential... nutes are the same thinking about starting the bloom nutes here soon any suggestions?? They are about 30 days old and seem to be in like the preflower stage.. some pistils showing... anyways here they are....

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