Outdoor Backyard Diesel Ryders experience

Yer I like a lot of the Ryder Genetics too - I started with Lowryder (regulars) - then the feminised Lowryder 2's. And like you the low size makes them discreet for an outdoor grow in the garden (which is shared tho I am the gardener). Neither of these were great croppers in our unpredictable Northern Climate. But this year I decided to try some of the x's. So I had 3x Diesel Ryders - they cropped well but all suffered from a bit of mould, and 3x Purple Ryders (a Purple Kush cross with Lowryder 2 if my memory serves me) - those were really nice n very sticky with lots of sugar leaves (finger licking good as they say)- tho quite a speedy smoke (hide your movie collection or you might end up staying up half the night smoking weed and watching shite on TV).

I got a load of freebies form Herbies Seeds (thanks guys, they really went out on a limb when twice they couldn't fulfil a requested order) - so have 3 each of Chronic Ryder and Pakistan Ryder for next years season as freebies to try as well tho I will def order more of the Diesel Ryders too, they had a nice balance of THC/CBD for me, aka enough munchie effect to counteract the Opiates i'm prescribed in terms of appetite loss, and enough CBD to offer some additional pain relief which means I don't need the Opiates as much which is a win win.

Those will form my 'base' crop - but I also have some Dark Devil Autos (another purple kush x) and having read so much about them on AFN a couple of Mephistos to try (tho I might give them to a Spanish friend in the hope of free weed when im there next summer - cunning but I suspect they will do much better there than here lol). With mould being such an issue this year I'm also thinking of going back to some Auto Frisian Dew's which worked well in the past too.

Unfortunately our growing season is so short that it's really a one crop affair - tho I do stagger them - so I really doubt that without a greenhouse I could ever pull a plant to fully mature seeds. So it's a strictly bud affair here - but developing your own x's may be the way forward in the future.

The past 'scientist' bit of me baulks at randomly pollinating my ladies though - I'd want to know what they were crossed with and then to compare the results of new F1's against a grow of the original parents (I used to work in large greenhouses doing this commercially with potatoes and peas, and like you live in a backward country with a draconian drug policy), but if it were legalised I got a 30m x 20m plot ready to go... who needs fruit n veg lol.

One of the surprises that I love in the Autos is that you still get the occasional expression of the parentage phenos (since they normally only stabilise at F3 for something you can sell as a breeder) - my favouroutes being some of the dwarf Sativa phenos that can sometimes appear - it's like wtf are you little girl - not showing the traits of the bought seeds - but it always seems like the ruderalis is locked in and I've never had a bolter that grew above 1m high or didn't AF.

All cool - I look forward to popping in to see how it goes for you.

Well... Scot, I gotta thank you for sticking by, cause I feel like we are very alike in the way we think about things. Its saddens me that you got such a bad weather condition in the UK, cause I envy all the grimy scene, jungle, DnB, filthstep. PLUS its legal to sell he seeds as souvenir. So... its just perfect!
;-) gosh, how I luv british culture!

But lets speak about the journal:

My experience with Diesel Ryders has shown that they are prone to mold, due to their PHAT bud structure... but on the long run, it simply has shown to resist to the mold also.

What I meant to say is that it will mold if its grown under rainy environment (outdoor) But it will not perish to the mold.

By a matter of fact, its very resistant!

Atleast I ran a seed crop and got it right... the buds were ruined by mold and mites of all kind (seriously, like atleast 3 or 4)... but I harvested plenty of seeds, hopefully.

In a certain way, this strain is trully "strong" and resistant.


Today I've brought Good and Bad news...

My seeds moulded rather than pop open. I guess I'm a convicted newbie! Ahahahha

But... #2 and #3 are fine and Imma show ya'll how #3 is!


The Female #1 has sort of lowryder bud structure, I guess... 5 buds. Starting to glisten in resin. But nothing SUPREME. The smell... has to be diesel'ish, but its not strong as fuck... I am aware that the tendency is to increase and get stronger. But Perhaps my first hibridization has worked better than I could ever expect! [emoji23]


(The fallen pistils indicates that shes mature enough to be polinized.
My crop doesn't seem to be much more than these 5 popcorns.
But its budding up and Ill try not to be pessimist.)

About #2, it sure is a female... cause its main stem has shown signs of flowering, as branches are no more paralel... and theres no sign of sexing yet. And girls take a little longer to show their pistils.


#3 is slightly younger... as thw branches are super paralel.
But theres a weird flourishing on top of it. And as an experient grower I can tell: POLEM SACKS! WOOOHOOO!!!


Hopefully there shall be pollination, seeds and more and more backyard experiences!


Thanks for all the insane growth karma!

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Awesome... insane rainy weather almost killed #2 and #3!

Check out the signs of drowning on the male!


The new girl is quite alright, actually showing the first pistils:

Had to put them indoor... to protect from the rain... but I got no timer... so light had to be 24/0. :-/

Life sure sucks sometimes... gosh. Nearly lost it all!

The male is "sick"... I only hope he survives!

Ahahahha #1 is outdoor in the rain... I cant do much for her... but to hope that she doesnt rot her buds. :-$
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I think the male is a goner already... It reminds me of a Lowryder#1 I had, who also died drown. Symptoms are the same.


It's in great sadness that I must conclude this backyard experiment as incomplete due to lack of donators (seeds/strains).

And money... I cant simply purchase anything by now.

I don't think I can proceed Breeding... which was my main target.

I am really sorry, guys. :-(

Our hope is with that nearly dead male...


If anyone feels like sparing beans. I'll gadly take it. I just wish I could purchase anything "regular". But im completelly broken and summer is about to start. So... basically this rain came just to screw my scheme.. :-/

#1 is just great. Even taking tons of rain. It looks normal! ;-$

Im probably the only person around lookin for seeds rather than seedless crops.

Ya'll probably cant even understand my goal.

I had expectations to keep refining diesel till a certain point I could blend a reg photo strain in the mix. But aparently its only a dream now.
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Sorry to hear about your problems, alas I don't have any spare Ryder based beans that are regular - all mine are feminised. The only regulars I have are Afghan Photos (about a dozen) - happy to ship them tho as nobody I know wants them and they were all freebies anyway.

Maybe next year as they say... I'm sure within the grow community we can find you beans to repopulate and start over.
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Sorry to hear about your problems, alas I don't have any spare Ryder based beans that are regular - all mine are feminised. The only regulars I have are Afghan Photos (about a dozen) - happy to ship them tho as nobody I know wants them and they were all freebies anyway.

Maybe next year as they say... I'm sure within the grow community we can find you beans to repopulate and start over.

Well I already sown some reg photo sativa beans in "reasonably" good sized pots.

I got a great weed yesterday, the guy who sold it claims that it is the al'mighty "Bengala'.

This codename is sort of overrated... just like "white widow"... as one can never know whether it is or it isnt the true white widow.

This "Bengala" is suposed to be the "street name" for the classic Colombian Gold. The color of the dry weed itself isn't "golden, though. But once I readed about this strain phenotypes and it seems that the heterozygous genes end up with regular color... like brown.

So in fact it could even be a colombian gold offspring, sort of degenerated. Which wouldnt surprise me at all! Dealers dont give much of a fuck to breeding, right?

Ahaha not everyone is up to chuncking some polem, I guess!

All I know is that a grinder is a must when it comes to smoking this, as the flower sticks to the hands real bad
... like if there was super glue applied into it.

It's been a long time I dont smoke a soaring sativa like this.

So... I guess I'll be growing regular photoperiodic strains by now. :-/

Whenever I get the chance. I'll attempt to purchase from "the portal" seedshop. But as I said... Im so broken on budget. :-/

The good thing is that you can clone.
So perhaps a little parcel of the F1 shows up the homozygous recessive trait. Which remarked this strain.

Still the dealer could be lying. And that wouldnt surprise me at all...

All I know is that growing pure sativa takes so long that I could smoke lowryders like 4 times during the time it will take for one photo plant to mature and ripen.

I dont know what to do.

I see everybody out here craves for big harvests and shit. I just want a fast growing strain which is dwarf.

I just wish I had my "lowryder#1" now.... but I guess one can't possibly be happy with the beans that had been given anyway, right?i

Its very kind of you to offer some afghan beans. I guess you can harvest amazing hash from it. But i'm afraid that I'll have to deny. Not cause its freebie nor anything. But specially cause youre too nice offering your damn freebies. Had you 300 seeds from a seedcrop that would be a different story. But you get what I mean?

I'm dreaming with my seeds real bad. But accepting yours I would feel like "stealing" a friend's seeds...
So I'll grow what I got here and perhaps if you feel interested I can send you some samples too.

But I think you would rock the sativa in spain(cause of the weather). In britain I'd stick to indicas all the way. It has to be fast and mold resistant. Perhaps like the afghan itself.

The town im at is suposed to rain very little, but when it rains... its hell like too much water in too little time. You get what im saying? And ita awesome cause sometimes it floods all over! Ahhaha wtf?! [emoji32]

Now its beautifully sunny. Lets hope that it stays like this... in fact im keeping them in my pc case.

The male is completely screwed. Im tempted to rogue it out, but i am forced to give him a chance. I just dont think its "any better". I drilled holes in the media, put heat and wind to helpt drying... as he is loosing his leaves and vigour.

The fems... are doing great. I just cant believe im out of polem to throw at them.

Ahahha send me the polem!

Laughing Out Loud real bad, but speaking seriously, its the only way to fix my problem.


Thanks for all the suport.

I guess I love AFN for that... behind every avatar theres a nice chap.
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sorry to see your male dying don't give up man, just keep working on a new plan. we must always have a back up plan or a new plan when growing because things go wrong sometimes !
Man that really sucks. If it didn't have to cross international borders I would send some reg autos. That shit scares me though, and I'm not exactly compliant so to say. When I get some pollen however, thats a different story. I'm not sure if it travels well, but I would feel safer going that route. I will keep you in mind when that day comes. I hope you are able to find some nice chap over there that will share some love. Sending my best wishes. Take care.
Oh also if you like DnB, and filthstep, and all that great stuff. Look up pornstep on you tube. The first video should be by Dodge & Fuski featuring the Highbury Whores. Check that out, my wife hates it, I love it. I haven't seen the word "filthstep" in a long time and it reminded me of it. :smoking: I'd post the video here, but it may offend some people. I'm currently listening to the PantyRaid (not pornstep, just a dirty name :thumbsup:) channel on prime music.

This is "worship the sun" by PantyRaid. I like to listen to this in my garden.
@Fuggzy Pollen travels quite well - it's designed to be airborne after all. Collect into small ziplock bags on a dry day - these can be either sprinkled over the buds to be pollinated - or painted onto the stipules of individual flower sites with a soft paintbrush, which can result in one plant having several different parental offspring crosses if you have different sources of pollen.

Having worked in cross breeding (not cannabis) the multiple parent one plant method can be messy when you try to work the F1 offspring tho and I would always recommend one F parent and one M so it's easier to work out the offspring. Remember in any cross you will get a mix of parentage - refer to https://www.ndsu.edu/pubweb/~mcclean/plsc431/mendel/mendel1.htm for genetics theory basics.

This is why I love some of the mutants that the auto's throw up - or should I say display. Remember that if you are working with plants that have already been crossed like the Diesel Ryders in question your going to get a multiple split up. Some Dx Rx DRx Xr Xd and some DRX depending on what genes are dominant << and Im not even doing the other combinations cause it does my head in even trying to remember this stuff lol.

Time for a bedtime pipe I think :D
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I been thinking... and perhaps the whole experiment is not over yet.

I should enjoy the fact that its been ruined and play with it more freely. So I guess I should attempt to clone/reveget the plants... thus provide maximum stress to the females.

It could perhaps work and bring on Rodelization.

Am I nut already?

I wonder how do I clone without cloning gel.

Any advice to the lowbudget forum-mate here is very welcome.


I cant just give up my strain.

Specially cos its so beautifully dwarfish... man I love the size and speed.

Autos definetely changed my life!