Outdoor Backyard Diesel Ryders experience

Sep 24, 2014
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Hi there I'm glad to be back to the forum and first of all I'd like to thank you all for stopping by!

I speak tons... I know, so have patience (its all I ask).

So imma be direct!

Im growing in Brazil, its terribly illicit (yet) and this growlog is destinated for my own consumption only.

I suffer with some pain... insomnia.
Depression... many reasons leaded me to growing outdoors, but the bigger issue is the tax over energy.

Things are terribly messy down in here, the economy of the country is a failure. Them morons protested everytime the govern tried to build a hi-tech nuclear plant, for the past 20~15 years. So we focused on the waterfall power plants... killing the fauna and flora with alm the floods necessary to achieve so, focusing mainly on this method to obtain energy.

What is going on?

The consumption of energy is high, but the reservoirs are low... and the so waited rains simply wont fill them properly.


Energy is more expensive than ever!

Leading no option, but to stunt some couple autos in my back-yard. Recicling some milk cartons, soda bottles... hehe Im a cheap person.

Plus... I apreciate the tests involved in the whole experience.

Less is more, specially cos im a lovin father and I know my wife wont visit me in jail.

So I simply dont care about the harvest.

I am NOT willing to achieve the stinkiest ryders around... not the biggest plants. (I hope to update some bud porn, but i guess it will be lame for most of you).

I learnt some couple lessons with the past experience indoor (which was a complete failure, dont even consider seaching in my posts, its humiliating, actually!)

Hehe, im a bastard!

So lets try to get it straight:

I want the stealthiest experiment i can humbly achieve, under some mediocre/poor circunstances.

Unfortunatelly I dont have a big house... and "privacy" is limited due to peoximity with the other houses.

Im actually insane!

But I think, I can keep my project running!

As every breeder wannabe, I hope I can hibridize a little, and clean the strain's genetics, in order to achieve pure lineages such as stabilized indica pheno and sativa pheno as well.

It happens that I got very little seeds... cos I am a nice person and I gave many of my beans to a good friend who simply deserves it.

I tried some direct sowing and failed... ahahahba and on my last beans i decided to apply the all mighty paper towel method.
(God Bless It!)

Its finally working... I got one older seedling growing its 4th set of true leaves (and is already starting to stink!)

Them other seeds are still releasing from their cotyledons (hopefully).

Thus the grow log is at its very early stage. (Im sorry to flood you with poor vegetative stages!)

I will try to update every week... or something simmilar, so it doesnt become extremelly boring. Cause I know we all want to see big girls pictures!

Talking about pictures... enough talking!

Imma show what is really going on:
(More info further on)

This is the environment Ive built

This is the "kids biology project" i been planning.
Many may laugh... think that i'm crazy and that i may harvest "nothing", but if I manage to harvest seeds I shall be already pleased!

I use real soldiers to protect my garden... LadyBugs!
By propagating the proper weed, I manage to attract them and it really works! I always see them around, this kind isnt really big but they are supposed to eat them bad insects as well... i guess. [emoji5]

Thats all for now... expect some more updates later on.

And please send grow karma to my jet47 seed that was germinating and simply disappeared in the earth.


I wanted to hibridize them... but that seed spoken!

Im watering the dirt in hope that a miracle brings it back.

The other 2 jet 47 seeds didnt show any sign of germinating... yet.

Lets hope I dont end up only with diesel ryders...
So... I noticed that the 5th set of true leaf was growing... and since Joint Doctors breeds are very stable, sex should be shown on day 18 by males... and around 21 by females.

Thats means that the real vegetative stage is just too short... so I couldn't resist and attempted to FIM it.

It is known that it might stunt it... stress... delay harvest. But thats pretty desireable.

If it shows signs of intersex it will actually prove itself to be a bad genetic donator.

If it turn male... I will store the polem anyway for back crossing.

And if it stunt... well... its suposed to be a Micro grow anyway. So, basically I've got absolutelly nothing to lose!

Note that I cut the leaves after the first "5 fingered" leaves started growing.

I remember the outdoor experience I had last year, which didnt become a journal anyway, that some males started showing sex at the 3rd set of leaves... while most of them have shown at the 4th set.

This leads me to believe that this was the proper time to FIM this yet unsexed plant. As it will give it some time to recover, before start blooming.

Pix of the procedure come now... just so (if there's any newbie studying) it gets understood.

Forgive the low-resolution... im using a terrible connection.

Before pruning:

After pruning attempt:

I"ll fetch ya'll some more pictures later... So we get to see it's recovery and growth.


Thanks for stopping by!
Hi there I'm glad to be back to the forum and first of all I'd like to thank you all for stopping by!

I speak tons... I know, so have patience (its all I ask).

So imma be direct!

Im growing in Brazil, its terribly illicit (yet) and this growlog is destinated for my own consumption only.

I suffer with some pain... insomnia.
Depression... many reasons leaded me to growing outdoors, but the bigger issue is the tax over energy.

Things are terribly messy down in here, the economy of the country is a failure. Them morons protested everytime the govern tried to build a hi-tech nuclear plant, for the past 20~15 years. So we focused on the waterfall power plants... killing the fauna and flora with alm the floods necessary to achieve so, focusing mainly on this method to obtain energy.

What is going on?

The consumption of energy is high, but the reservoirs are low... and the so waited rains simply wont fill them properly.


Energy is more expensive than ever!

Leading no option, but to stunt some couple autos in my back-yard. Recicling some milk cartons, soda bottles... hehe Im a cheap person.

Plus... I apreciate the tests involved in the whole experience.

Less is more, specially cos im a lovin father and I know my wife wont visit me in jail.

So I simply dont care about the harvest.

I am NOT willing to achieve the stinkiest ryders around... not the biggest plants. (I hope to update some bud porn, but i guess it will be lame for most of you).

I learnt some couple lessons with the past experience indoor (which was a complete failure, dont even consider seaching in my posts, its humiliating, actually!)

Hehe, im a bastard!

So lets try to get it straight:

I want the stealthiest experiment i can humbly achieve, under some mediocre/poor circunstances.

Unfortunatelly I dont have a big house... and "privacy" is limited due to peoximity with the other houses.

Im actually insane!

But I think, I can keep my project running!

As every breeder wannabe, I hope I can hibridize a little, and clean the strain's genetics, in order to achieve pure lineages such as stabilized indica pheno and sativa pheno as well.

It happens that I got very little seeds... cos I am a nice person and I gave many of my beans to a good friend who simply deserves it.

I tried some direct sowing and failed... ahahahba and on my last beans i decided to apply the all mighty paper towel method.
(God Bless It!)

Its finally working... I got one older seedling growing its 4th set of true leaves (and is already starting to stink!)

Them other seeds are still releasing from their cotyledons (hopefully).

Thus the grow log is at its very early stage. (Im sorry to flood you with poor vegetative stages!)

I will try to update every week... or something simmilar, so it doesnt become extremelly boring. Cause I know we all want to see big girls pictures!

Talking about pictures... enough talking!

Imma show what is really going on:
(More info further on)

This is the environment Ive built

This is the "kids biology project" i been planning.
Many may laugh... think that i'm crazy and that i may harvest "nothing", but if I manage to harvest seeds I shall be already pleased!

I use real soldiers to protect my garden... LadyBugs!
By propagating the proper weed, I manage to attract them and it really works! I always see them around, this kind isnt really big but they are supposed to eat them bad insects as well... i guess. [emoji5]

Thats all for now... expect some more updates later on.

And please send grow karma to my jet47 seed that was germinating and simply disappeared in the earth.


I wanted to hibridize them... but that seed spoken!

Im watering the dirt in hope that a miracle brings it back.

The other 2 jet 47 seeds didnt show any sign of germinating... yet.

Lets hope I dont end up only with diesel ryders...
I cannot wait to see your results. I am a big fan of dirty and cheap\m/
So... It seems that I did proper work pruning the main stem!

The other leaves don't show any sign of damage yet. [emoji28]


Let there be optimism! Hehe

(Damn, its all so tight, that any mistaken manage of the blade may end with a chopped "branch", even a minimum damage may leech the affected part's humidity thus leadin to the necrosis... and this could be lethal, specially if it gets infected; and as its noticeable, the blending background plants sort of suffer from [bortritis ?] fungus)


The 4 seeds in the "germinator" don't show any sign of crackin yet... they been there for days. Might end molding.

The seeds sown before throwing the taproot, but beginning to open didnt show up yet. This might have been my biggest mistake.

Tap roots shant be huge in the germinator, cause they "stick" to it, being damaged when pulled out.

But as we can see... "planting" them too "young" in a bad media (im pretty aware of that!) Also isnt a good idea!

It had its cost... but atleast the lesson has been learned.

The other two seedlings just got my help cracking their shells.

I am afraid that there may be only 3 plants... :-( (beinh optimist and trusting that noone dies from now on! And theres lots of HUGE ants all over)

Ahahha im a mad man, I know!



During the first week I cover theae newborn seedlings with a small glass if water... it helps keeping their moisture and keeps ants out.

I also provide corn flour with suggar to the ants so they dont need to cut my plants and instead eat the easily spotted food.

They say ants cant digest corn... leadinf them to a slow death.

I am in hope of that!

The recipe for those looking for this ant killer food is easy. Suggar attracts and leads the ants. Any amount is desired. I use little.

The corn has to be the smaller possible... like very well processed.

Its not poisonous to my dogs, nor plants... the maximum that may happen is that this combination may mold with moister. Forcing you to remake the baits.[emoji220]

I am always concerned about the healthy way of doing things. [emoji106]
I cannot wait to see your results. I am a big fan of dirty and cheap\m/
Man... my biggest concern is bout being arrested.

My country sucks, producing cannabis is already taken as DRUG DEALING. You dont need to sell it nor give nor anything to be taken as a drug dealer.

Penalties for users are kind of easy... like paying food to poor families... or forced work to the government.
+ paying a fee.

But Traficking, drug dealing is like from 4 years to 8 years behind the bars sharing a room built to hold 20 people with 100+, having to pay 15 bucks a day for edible food. Else they serve you bad food, like from days before and maintained out of the fridge. So either you pay or you pass out.

And if you pass out you're redirected to the special prision's hospital. This procedure takes the whole day cause you're shipped to this other place and at the transportation from jail to the so called hospital, the corrupt cops will beat the shit out of you at the whole time youre there.
So trust me, You probably rather want to die.

This is why thugs are so fucking sick in Brazil, jail is a psychopaty-criminal university. You wont be mentally healthy if you ever have to pass through all this horror.

So... I dont have the balls to grow a 4meter sativa plant.

Instead I raise some few bonsai weed...in hope that the Judge will understand that there is no possibility for this crop to be converted into cash.

Still, other growers laugh at me, saying "if your taken you're just as screwed, so grow fucking real strains dood!"

But you know...

Judges have studied. They deal with criminals daily. And I am no "criminal". Therefore I should be treated as addict to cannabis and get treatment, not be arrested with the badass criminals.

It surprizes me that this shitty ass country is between the 10 biggest economies in the world, being so medieval as we are.

Im sorry for all the bad words I used in this publication, but to put the necessary enphasis they were needed.

I have no intention to keep swearing. I just been in a bad mood.

Just to imagine what could happen to me I were caught causes me goosebumps!


I'm a poor guy who lives in the guetto, without cash to spare with the proper setups.

My adversity leads me to create the solutions for my problems... thats why I recicle. Pretty logic! [emoji16]

Plus, this thing Im doing is the revolution already!
I don't want to purchase brickweed anylonger, supporting the real "bad guys".

All I want is some nice medicine, for low cost... and no blood karma.

Cause the real drug dealing leads to lots of death, violence... and One cant simply support that just to smoke a spliff. Its heavy, trust me...

Plus, not everybody has the proper space/tools to grow high-yielding plants. So I want to prove that it is possible to start growing your on with very little to no investiment.

And seriously.. Im probably the only person around here trying to achieve that. The rest wants huge as top cola, glistering in resin.

I just want to find a cheap and easy way to grow medicine without being noticed.

Hehe the best is that its trully hidden behind some generic weed.

Theorically stealth...

Only time will tell us if I shall prevail or bail... but you guys will know.

If things go wrong I'll have plenty of time to write you guys a beautiful message and ask my wife to write in my journal.


But lets not keep these bad thoughts in mind... the whole thing itself is pretty depressing.

I was born in the wrong country, fo'sho!
Good luck with your grow mate . [emoji106]:karmacloud: :slap: :vibe:
Thank you for the support!

I hope not to disapoint you guys!

What concerns me most is that its hard to find perlites, vermiculites, leca pebles, coco fiber... and Im broken to purchase online. [emoji20]

So... my media sure isnt the best dirt around.

I use some cotton seed meal...
Some bone meal...

Black earth

And faith! Heheh [emoji28]
@Gabro There are plenty of guys here that can help you with soil , go to the fertilizer and soil thread at the bottom of the forum page and ask your question about soil there and you will get all the help you need to make soil that will not cost a lot of money .
@Gabro There are plenty of guys here that can help you with soil , go to the fertilizer and soil thread at the bottom of the forum page and ask your question about soil there and you will get all the help you need to make soil that will not cost a lot of money .
It is indeed very kind of you to show me the path... and I'm utterly grateful for the atention.

But A close person to me has worked with paisagism and flowers production for many years.. and I sort of learned some of the techniques.

In every pot i've put worms inside... to help avoiding become compact.

I am sort of confident with this soil mix, although its known to lack the proper amendments.

Hopefully it will work.

The city I live at rains little... so I am feeling fine.

Cause the worst thing that could happen is that the plant drowns and you "confuse" with being dry and water more.

:p but im not falling into that trap again! (We can always hope)


Speaking about it like that sounds just ridiculous, but its as simple as it sounds!

Plus... plants always show what is going on, in their growth behaviour.

So... if youre clever and atentious to their signs, might you spot it on time and fix whatever is going on.

Im using a rich soil... wont be fertilizing much. Might mist with some foliar nute if things get nasty. But thats the last resource.

Im the kind of organic-friendly guy!

Last time they grew unsupported, with very little maintenance and crowded with plagues (spider mites and all kind of possible pests, no joke!).

So... I'm sort of feeling confident... but again, I'm really grateful for your support!

AFN sure is by far, the best place to be at!

It was love at first sight when I found this comunity with google!
It is indeed very kind of you to show me the path... and I'm utterly grateful for the atention.

But A close person to me has worked with paisagism and flowers production for many years.. and I sort of learned some of the techniques.

In every pot i've put worms inside... to help avoiding become compact.

I am sort of confident with this soil mix, although its known to lack the proper amendments.

Hopefully it will work.

The city I live at rains little... so I am feeling fine.

Cause the worst thing that could happen is that the plant drowns and you "confuse" with being dry and water more.

:p but im not falling into that trap again! (We can always hope)


Speaking about it like that sounds just ridiculous, but its as simple as it sounds!

Plus... plants always show what is going on, in their growth behaviour.

So... if youre clever and atentious to their signs, might you spot it on time and fix whatever is going on.

Im using a rich soil... wont be fertilizing much. Might mist with some foliar nute if things get nasty. But thats the last resource.

Im the kind of organic-friendly guy!

Last time they grew unsupported, with very little maintenance and crowded with plagues (spider mites and all kind of possible pests, no joke!).

So... I'm sort of feeling confident... but again, I'm really grateful for your support!

AFN sure is by far, the best place to be at!

It was love at first sight when I found this comunity with google!

God speed. I lost a good friend about a decade ago to the prison system in sao Paolo. Brazil is definitely a hard on growers. Be safe, stay aware.