Outdoor Az Sunshine+Black Cream Fem Auto (First Journal)

12 hours into germinating another seed, this time im attempting it in a glass of water for 24 hours, will check on it tonight and let you guys know whats up!
GUYS SHE SPROUTED HOLY SHIT I HAVENT FELT THIS MUCH JOY SINCE MY FIRST SEX OKAY SO. She is a little off centered, due to the transplant I did early in the beginning haha. Gonna give her a gallon of water today, redo the saran wrap, and later tonight start feeding her bloom nutes at a quarter dose.


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Alright, so for my schedule I figured I would go ahead and give you guys a brief overview of how its gonna go down. I'm following the posted one below, and starting out with half the doseage; considering this plant will want to grow and shoot up in a short period of time, I want to try and maximize this as much as I can. If I notice too much nute burn ill cut down the nutes by a third of their normal dose and go from there. So far, here's what ya boi's got goin.
(currently on week 2, day 10)
Since according to the table 1tsp is equivalent to 5mL, and I want to give this girl half the dose of the chart, 5 divided by 2 is 2.5.
So if I need to give her 2.5mL, that equates to .50 tsp/ or half a teaspoon.
--Week 2--
*Gallon of water everyday, with half a teaspoon of grow nutes every other.
--Week 3--
*Gallon of water everyday, with 3/4 teaspoon of grow nutes
--week 4--
*Gallon of water everyday, with full teaspoon of grow nutes now
--week 5--
Here is where I get confused. I have Bloom, Micro, and Grow as nutrients. I am 99% sure grow is for during the vegging stage, and micro and bloom are intended for flowering. My question is, when should I start micro, or grow? One before the other, or both at the same time? The chart isn't very helpful at indicating this kind of thing. Any help on a basic nute schedule would be appreciated guys!
Grab a shovel and digs a hole in the ground and bury the pots. An additional layer of straight perlite on the surface will also help in keeping soil cool.

I read over your feed schedule. Depending on how hot it is there and wind circulation, i think you will be overwatering at those rates. I feed my autos 2 liters every 3-4 days and bump it up to 4 liters mid flower for the biggest plants. Granted I am planting in the ground and not in pots.
most definitely will do that, will also help with the whole stealth idea as well, thanks man! As far as heat goes, Az heats up pretty fast, not gonna lie; however the wind is almost never occurring.