Mephisto Genetics Awolace's Perpetual Grow Thread Powered by Quantum Boards

Day 38 for the 3BOG girls. I have started to cut out their nitrogen now so we are seeing them start to use some of what's stored in their leaves hence a slight lightening from below. They are getting hit with pk boost or plain water alternately. Buds are getting nice and thick, and still have a long way to go.

Day 41 for the 3BOG, just a few quick and dirty pics. Hard to show the size of these buds, they are already thicker than a beer bottle on the smaller plants. The bigger one will go longer I think.


Day 11 for Toofless alien, nice fat indica leaves forming.

Thanks, these girls moved into flower so quickly, by like day 19, i had no opportunity to train them or get them any bigger, on the flip side they are going to be done nice and fast. I've just been flicking through @Eyeoftheworld thread and seen her 3BOG at day 40, massive and only just started fowering. Just shows how much difference a pheno can make. Lets see what we both get for our battle.
The 3BOG are still powering on. Will get a pic when. I take them out for a watering this evening. Toofless alien is trucking along too, looking nice and healthy at Day 14. Here's my Toof Decay at Day 1 too which Is featuring in my grow battle with @Eyeoftheworld

All three girls are showing differently now. One looks like she is end of life fading. One looks like she needs P and is showing reddening/ dying leaves, and the other looks pretty good. Irrespective they have all had a feed of 1.25ml bloom and 0.5pk. They are around Day 45 and only have a couple of weeks left so will get two more standard feeds and then a week of water only so I'm not worrying about deficiencies too much now.
Those are phat! And they are going to really finish plumping up. Great job