Dragon Meds Autowars Season 2: Revenge of the Portal Stone Dragons, Double Dragon and Amnesia Stone

Me too!


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Are you kitten me right meow...look at all those cats! You ARE a crazy cat lady!
thanks for joining @Eclectic Elle ha ha thanks for the widow compliment...she was quite the screw up on my end, but damn the bud is nice! Cant wait to regrow outdoors. Starting in 31 days!

@Yeatser and @witchyhour hahahahaha you guys are too funny Thanks for breathing some life into my tread...been a bit slow this round

Another day and another cut of a mini monster!! Chopped amber today...looks friggin' sweet!! A mere 11" tall, but a ton of lovely bud on her!! Had to take pics with the flash on due to light conditions on this dreary snowy day.

Chopped on day 81. Never checked the trichs, but i feel this chop is a perfect 80% cloudy with 20% amber. Not a speck of mold, placed a rigged PC fan blowing at the main cola over the last 2.5weeks

Amazing purple...smells very stone dragon heavy with an almost pinesol smell...very nice.

I've decided that Amber is going to be in every run in the stealth cab from now on. Shooting for 2oz off this little beast.

Next up for chop in likely 10 days, or a bit more, will be either Stone 99 or Auto Euphoria...likely Stone 99 first. Auto Night queen on the heels. Still a bit to go before Cherry bomb or ruby get flushed.
Okay...I have started to flush out the Stone 99...getting close to ready...figure a couple of more feeds and its time for euphoria to come down as well...starting to need some room!! Even the removal of the Stone 99 will help make some room for the photoperiod plants.