Dragon Meds Autowars Season 2: Revenge of the Portal Stone Dragons, Double Dragon and Amnesia Stone

Took a pic of my photoperiod entry today so I figured what the hell get a couple of other pics of the end of my second auto run. 5 plants to go!! Colour is off a bit...used light balance on camera while using blurple lights.

Left Bomb Seeds Cherry Bomb, Right Portal Ruby

Left Portal Ruby, middle left DP Auto Night Queen(flush soon, 50/50 coloured/white), Middle right Portal Stone 99(flush in cycle 2 of 6), Right DP Auto Euphoria (a couple more feeds...60% coloured/40% white hair)

Euphoria Overview

Euphoria Closeup...what an interesting smell on this one. Mine smells like mint or menthol or perhaps a mix of the two. Pretty cool that mine looks almost identical to the bud in the catalog.

Euphoria another bud...goodness!! Its amazing the transformation this plant has done. Its funny...until 2.5 weeks go I wasn't impressed with this plant other then her resilience to my errors. Crystal count was low...she has done a major transformation in the last 2 weeks for sure!! Density was also low, she has hardened quite a bit, but she is still pretty fluffy, don't expect a giant yield, but it should be decent based on size and bud count. Goodness though, look at the crystal!!

A few final thoughts... I doubt i'll be hitting 1gpw this round based on what I have pulled so far, but hey...got some extra stellar smoke this round!! Only thing that matters!! Crazy happy with growing in this space. Even cheap epistar lights work fantastic, and I think that 3w diodes were just the right choice for this space.
What a terrible pic of the night queen...she looks like a spliff, and she is not at all. Around 16" tall head to toe solid main cola.
Another plants meets the knife!! Stone 99 chopped today...awesome mini plant...yield will be on the up and up from here on out! Absolutely fantastic smell on this one...do smell some pinesol in her, but there is a distinctive pineapple twist on the top end of the sniff...very appealing!!




Thanks so much for the comment dudeski.
Going quite well...flushing Euforia out..hit her twice so far...still quite a few white hairs in her...probably another 5-7 days and chop. Could potentially be the best stealth cab yield to date. Around 50% coloured hairs on cherry bomb, looks awesome and smells insanely good. Autonight queen is still putting out many white hairs on the top somehow...lol will start a flush soon.
Once the Euphoria is out of the way my space issue is over and i can transplant my cupped photos(doing very well at day 11).