Dragon Meds Autowars Season 2: Revenge of the Portal Stone Dragons, Double Dragon and Amnesia Stone

Now I am second guessing myself if it was the paper bag at all that made the Red Dragon main bud mold...I noticed a bit of off coloured bud on the giant rock had main cola of the Colorado Cookies today. I peel a bit back and sigh...inner core boytris mold up the arse. I chopped the main cola off and salvaged a little less than half of it. Hmm molding in a cab with a max of 30-40%RH....chalking it up to not enough air flow on the main colas....is that a correct assumption you think guys? Harsh! LOL
Got some bud jarred up....decent pull on the Purple Stone Dragon, lost a couple of grams on the drying fiasco.
Got a couple of pics of the stone dragon with the flash on.

Nice smell...turned away from a skunky odour, and a more piney smell. Smoking some right now....wow...she's a strong one!! Full med smoke report after a short cure at least.

Next up is the Green Dragon that shifted to Reddish the last weeks...decent pics with a light adjustment...could be a slight bit brighter.

Really dense buds on this one..very strong pine smell..sweet.
Bud, that really sucks about the cookies.
The dragons are beautiful budz!

Great job :pass:

Thanks man...not a big deal on the cookies...it does suck, but hey its all good. The only thing that sucks, is I won't get a new cab record, as she most certainly would have with all that sweet hard bud. Cutting her down tomorrow, and still will be lots of bud on the secondary branches. Its all good. Actually I am super surprised though, as the outdoor cookies dealt with 70%RH an only one tiny mold speck...that proves it...I need more upper cabinet circulation!
Good deal bud! Your wisdom has helped me. Cut fairy frost last night, tent humidity was 55. So i made sure to really cut down the buds. Im really grateful for your knowledge and help!

Hey no problem at all. The worst thing any of us can do is not make our mistakes public...like my friend says "You will learn more from your failures, than you will from your successes!" And when others can evade errors you have made, its golden information!!

So with the main cola cut due to the mold problem on the cookies, I chopped her today(which was the plan anyways). Day 76 I think.
Still pulled a whack of bud off the secondary branches. Should be a great haul and she still might be a new cab weight record.

Really nice bud!! I broke down the buds very well, before drying to ensure there was no mold.

Excellent crystal. Taken around 20% amber

Hmm interesting...this plant really shifts around in odours...if I would have cut last week it would have been almost identical to my CC from outdoors, which was a Chocolate minty smell with a hint of melon. In a week it shifted over to the more fruity smell and now I can see where DP gets their Mango description from.
@Rebel - Hey reb! Can you read the last page and let me know if you think it was a lack of circulation on the tops that caused the Cookies main cola to mold? Also, while you are here can I ask for a Dragon Tamer badge for growing out the 3 stone dragons. There will be a full detailed smoke/grow report once it cures a bit.
Despite the mold toss the CC is indeed a new cab record busting out 90g's!!! And that's bringing the average wayyyyyy up!! 1.5oz per plant on the average is a goal of the past now!! Awesome!! Depending on how Amber, NIghtqueen and rainbow yield this grow could be hitting .8gpw.

Speaking of the night queen...wow...she is chopped today. Smell and crystal are phenomenal. Many leaves and a bit of flower turned a plum colour.

Main cola pic after removing most leaf.


This is one of my favorite shots of bud I have ever photographed

Lower buds turn to light green colour

Damn fine bud

Very interesting bud formation on the night queen....cant wait to grow some more of these!!

One of the more plum buds ready to be dried.
OKay ! We have taken another one down, last night the rainbow Moonstone was harvested. Jeez I sure did mess this plant up!! She never bounced back after I accidently gave her a super strong dose of nutes(still not sure exactly what happened there....lol). Despite the critical error there is still a good amount of bud and it looks excellent, should be 1.5 on this girl I think.

Main Cola

Smell leans over to the typical stone dragon scent being fairly heavy in pine.

Great density

Very nice crystal!

Awesome...only Amber is left to get the chop, and we are onto round two.

Round two seeds are growing just fine. The auto euphoria and the Auto White Widow are both in 16oz instatransplant cups and are doing just fine. Amber and Black Dragon are in 7" pots and are also doing great. Time to start feeding soon! Still deciding what to run as the final 4 seeds.