New Grower Autos Under 80days, w/ bug yield.

Sep 17, 2016
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Hey guys totally new to the autoflowering just figured that I'm more of a auto guy than photo. Now, I want to grow about 4 strains at once in my basement closet, looking on the vault and attitude for some decent smoke that yeilds nice 40gs or better. So far on my list to start with is, Mk Ultra, Dark Devil. Also in a non legal state so I'm kind of growing from home depot, any suggestions on soil and nutes? Thanks
Hey guys totally new to the autoflowering just figured that I'm more of a auto guy than photo. Now, I want to grow about 4 strains at once in my basement closet, looking on the vault and attitude for some decent smoke that yeilds nice 40gs or better. So far on my list to start with is, Mk Ultra, Dark Devil. Also in a non legal state so I'm kind of growing from home depot, any suggestions on soil and nutes? Thanks
Try automazar or think different or any mephisto or dutch passion autos. As for soil and nutes someone else can help with that.

"carpe diem"