-Have topped off the water reservoirs a couple times, and cut up a soil bag with rough templates for easy makeshift soil covers to help with moisture in the topsoil while folks get established better.
-Folks are a little slow in the continuing ~high 60s/low 70sF environment, and RH is in the ~high 50s/low 60s% currently.
-Still on 20/4, but raised the light a few clicks and turned up the dimmer (should help with temp too) so the middle one should be getting roughly ~370 PPFD/27 DLI based on charts:
LC Day 16:
DZ Day 12:
PG Day 5:
-Folks are a little slow in the continuing ~high 60s/low 70sF environment, and RH is in the ~high 50s/low 60s% currently.
-Still on 20/4, but raised the light a few clicks and turned up the dimmer (should help with temp too) so the middle one should be getting roughly ~370 PPFD/27 DLI based on charts:
DZ Day 12:
PG Day 5: