Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

Chandy- lol no.... not lesbian perse...but to make an EXTREMELY long and complicated story short, I've had the boyfriend I have now for almost 5 years and he's only the 2nd boyfriend i've had in my 27 years lol So take that as you will-(if, for whatever reason you REEEEEEEEEEALLY wanted more details than that, I could PM you but trust me, you dont wanna go that route LOL.)
You know - I honestly have NO clue how much longer she's got left. She's sativa dominant and sativas will take longer to finish anyhow...and seeing as how the breeder finish times are a bunch of malarkey, I havent got the foggiest. To quote my only other AFN buddy Waira, lol,

You thought you loved drinking from the furry cup until you found the perfect peni and you never went back .... Am i on the right track? haha. No need f the PM you can keep your flange licking escapades t
yourself... unless it was a sex change cus ill defo wana know them details! :crying:

Thats the one issue with autos. Wish breeders would just put out proper finishing times. People are still gonna buy the product, even more so because they know theyre getting what it says on the tin.
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Jesus, Chandy.....

...mouth of a longshoreman....:)
I was also thinking about going with Merchant Marine...VERY different than Marine. :grin:
I was also thinking about going with Merchant Marine...VERY different than Marine. :grin:

I have no clue what the difference between them things are!! nor the long/shoremen :too stoned t be googling and besides... im writing you a story.

- - - Updated - - -

based on this! lmao. Its got a lot lengthier than i anticipated but im quite proud of it so far ;)

TO ME lol in MY HEAD this is how I take that -
as a 90 year old woman on her death bed, whose uterus has just realized its about to die. lol so in one last desperate attempt, it stretches out of the old womans body in search for some swimmers so it can carry on the 'blood line' if you will. :roflcry: HOWEVER lol if there are no swimmers around, it shouldn't make a difference is the uterus is out and dressed up like a hooker, lol, there are no swimmers there by no baby.:roflcry:
So now lets apply this theory to AM2. She is closing in on harvest (death) so in a desperate attempt to carry on the species, she spits bananas (the uterus hahaha) trying to get pollinated (knocked up)....but there are no male plants with pollen around to do so ('swimmers' lol) why does it matter if there are bananas? I recall reading (somewhere, dont ask where lol) last night, that bananas DO contain pollen but is female pollen. So, again, TO ME lol, girl cum (female pollen) isn't going to get another girl prego (create seed on a female plant).
I mean...clearly plants aren't the same as people lol...but....ahh. I just dont get it lol.
When Wombs Attack; By Chandyside.

The title doesn't sell it but its quite hilarious :-D

I saw this post stoned and my mind began to wonder, as it does…. It likes t go deep once its heard/seen/read something… too deep sometimes, lol.
So I wrote a wee story.
I’m quite proud of it…. Has got a bit o this a bit o that no hows your father I’m afraid. …unless you count uteruses ;) (sneak peek there, hee hee)

SO... Enjoy.

I dedicate this t you WhereDaWeedAt for your ridiculously funny post :-D


...But the pictures in my post in the live help thread....that one 100% (to me) looks like a banana bunch. Which brings me to my next question. And you may not be able to fully answer this, im not sure. but can you explain how this whole...hermaphrodite thing works for me? lol and in layman's terms please? lol
So I get that some females will throw bananas in a last ditch effort to get knocked up near harvest.
TO ME lol in MY HEAD this is how I take that -
as a 90 year old woman on her death bed, whose uterus has just realized its about to die. lol so in one last desperate attempt, it stretches out of the old womans body in search for some swimmers so it can carry on the 'blood line' if you will. :roflcry: HOWEVER lol if there are no swimmers around, it shouldn't make a difference is the uterus is out and dressed up like a hooker, lol, there are no swimmers there by no baby.:roflcry:
So now lets apply this theory to AM2. She is closing in on harvest (death) so in a desperate attempt to carry on the species, she spits bananas (the uterus hahaha) trying to get pollinated (knocked up)....but there are no male plants with pollen around to do so ('swimmers' lol) why does it matter if there are bananas? I recall reading (somewhere, dont ask where lol) last night, that bananas DO contain pollen but is female pollen. So, again, TO ME lol, girl cum (female pollen) isn't going to get another girl prego (create seed on a female plant).
I mean...clearly plants aren't the same as people lol...but....ahh. I just dont get it lol.

This is the horrific, heartbreaking story of a woman and her dying wish to bear a child.
Mary Jane led a simple life, her and husband lived in a quaint little town known as Stoke-on-Trent (rough as Kenneth!).
She was a good a wife, a good cook a good cannabis cultivator but what she wanted more than anything else in the world was a child of her own.
She loved her husband dearly but his sperm swam backwards so he could never bear her a child.
She made peace with this and they carried about their married life until he sadly passed away at the ripe old age of 83.
They had no family to speak of so she was all alone.
It was but 6 months later when that fateful day occurred.
Mary decided she couldn’t cope with being on her own anymore so she sadly tried to kill herself L

But alas…. Hark there. In the distance. Can it be…. Why yes…. Tis the fairy of Rfugrautyidgao.
(Said in a creepy fairy voice-------à)“ Mary Jane my child, I have come to grant you a final wish before you part these lands. What will it be?”
“Can it be?! Is this real?! More than anything in the world fairy I would love a baby of my own. Please help me fairy! You’re my only hope!”
“I can aid you on your quest f a child but as your womb and lady parts are all dry and wrinkly, because your 90, were going to have to do things a bit differently”.
What Mary didn’t know is that the fairy of Rjrghaerhhtht was actually an evil fairy who hated people so she turned there own wishes against them using something they love as they died. What a bastard!
“The only way you can have a baby is if you do it the way your beloved cannabis does when she’s about to die!” said the mental fairy. Mary replied, “That sounds like some fucked up crazy shit but ill give it a go. In the words of Dr P…. What’s the worse that could happen?”
“Bring me the sperm of a suitable donor and you shall have your wish.” The fairy waved her magic spliff and then it happened…………………………
Marys uterus stretched out of her vag like…well… like a uterus stretching out a vag. It was pretty disgusting to be fair.
The uterus knew she was a wrinkly old sack of dead hormones (and shed not been out in a while… well never really… not literally anyway) so she decided she should dress up f the occasion and see if she could find a man to impregnate her.
From the pulling days of her youth she used t go out ‘up Hanley duck’ so she thought shed give that a blast. You’ve got t be some kind of uterus t not pull someone in Hanley!
The main problem for her was the lack of a mouth so she couldn’t talk to people… and also she was a uterus.
She decided to wear a Burka (I mean no offense there but there’s not a lot you can dress a uterus in without looking suspect :-p ) and pretend she was a mute.
After trawling the bars of Hanley she finally came across a young fellow high on heroine.
He figured shed have some money for a bag o brown so he went with her. What befell him will be a shock to us all (especially me as I’m making it up as I go along, haha).
The uterus could tell by her womby senses that ol’ Mary didn’t have long left, she rushed, well call him Bob, back to hers as fast as her uteri would carry her.
They reach the doorstep and, OH NO! Bobs tried t kiss her. He realizes she has no mouth and gasps. Dear Lord! What can it be, a uterus is kissing me! He stabs her with his used needles and runs away.
The uterus chases him as fast as she can go but its no use his legs are faster than her…. Whatevers?
She returns t Mary disheartened.
“But what of us now dear Fairy, are all my hopes and dreams dashed?”
“I’m terribly sorry t tell you but I’m afraid they are. But……” “But, but, but what?!” Mary sobs. “Oh fairy what have I left?”
“You do have a memory you can treasure f the rest of your life.” Whispers the fairy as she fades away “A memory of what?!” she shouts, but alas, the fairy has gone.
Mary knows this is the end so she closes her eyes and fades away.

…………and then opens them again. She’s 27 and at home with her husband.
She wonders to herself what the fairy of Rekwrvtcaxladwkf meant when it said she would have a memory to treasure for the rest of her life.
And then she realizes, as she looks around she spies the bong, the weed, the ale and, oh my, what’s this? acid tabs yonder the table.
Her fella asks her how she is. “I’ve just had the most mental trip of my life!” she replies. “I know”, he responds. “You’ve sat in every corner in every room crying f most the night and then you were trying to convince me t go t Hanley with you for 4 hours. I thought you’d calmed down after that but then I caught you in the contraband box eating a pack of our finest Sweet Seeds!”
“You know what you’ve got there my lover?” she smiled, “A memory t treasure forever” J

The End.

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Chandy...*laughing* why can we not live in the same country and be friends? ahahha. you remind me of me LOL

Chapter 2.

After ingesting more than one, of those seeds, not 3 days later, Mary started feeling sick. She was tired, nauseous, and her boobs hurt like hell.
She started to have cramps late one afternoon when Bob suggests to her, "Why don't you try to go to the bathroom?" "Good idea," she thought to herself as she began heading towards the bathroom..
Thats when she discovered...her urine was green. She wasn't however, overly concerned..that is until later that month, when her husband noticed something.
"Babe...your vag smells like....I can't really put my finger on it...but...skunk? And I mean that in the nicest way possible..."
"No no no. Its ok; you smell it too!"
"yeaa...." he replies, his eyes averting to her vag. "It actually smells kind of...good. Like a grow room full of the most sparkly buds you've ever seen..."
and then? EUREKA!
"OH MY GOD...." Mary exclaims. "What if when I ate those seeds...."
Bob looks confused and then a wave of doubt comes over his face. " its impossible! You cant be....p-ppp-pprr." Bob began to stutter at the thought of what was coming.

The next morning Mary calls her OBGYN and makes an appointment to find out if the impossible is actually true.
Together, her and Bob walk hand in hand towards the exam room.
The doctor walks in and introduces himself.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Kevorkian, and I'll be preforming your ultrasound today", he says shaking their hands. As he stands up he notices an odd smell. "Do you guys smell that? Those damn janitors said they were going to put out traps! oh well....okay Ms.MaryJane, lets get you up here and see if we've got a baby! ok now this is going to be a bit cold...."
The doctor looks up at his monitor and appears stunned.
"What is it doctor? Whats wrong?" asked Mary.
The dotor said nothing, only turned the monitor around slowly towards her.

"Mrs. Mary Jane...I dont know how this hapened...but it appears that you are pregnant with....marijuana?"

Bewildered, the couple leaves the office. Time ticks by and Mary's stomach is getting bigger and bigger. People would be expecting a could she possibly explain that she was pregnant not with a baby...but with...pot?
Within a month and a half, MaryJane had begun having severe stomach cramps. She thought perhaps using the bathroom would help alleviate her pain. Boy was she wrong. Almost immediately after standing up she felt something brush against her leg. She lifted her skirt, only to find a 5 fingered leaf hanging from her vag.
"BOB!" she yells.
Soon they were in the emergency room, Mary Jane being wheeled on a stretcher down to the labor room. Bob could hear her yelling all the way down the hallway - "NO! ITS TOO EARLY! THEY AREN'T DONE YET!". Soon after Mary's OBGYN comes dashing out from her labor room.
"Bob. We've delivered the first of your...babies? Planties? Either way, this one is healthy. Appears to have all its fingers, has a nice healthy green color to her, weighs in at 3.5oz."
"well thats great Dr. Kevorkian!"
"Sure...but..this next part is tough..." the doctor trailed off.
"Dr. Kevorkian.....? What is it?"
"Well...the first see, while in the womb, it dominated all of the other plants. So I'm afraid what I'm trying to say here, is... the next plant is having some...trouble. Since one plant dominated over the others it sucked up all of the nutrients from the food your wife was eating."
"What are you trying to say?"
"Mr. Bob...they...they aren't ready....they show severe signs of a cal mag deficiency and possible phosphorus. And the worst I dont see a single amber tric on her..."

Chandy...*laughing* why can we not live in the same country and be friends? ahahha. you remind me of me LOL

Chapter 2.

After ingesting more than one, of those seeds, not 3 days later, Mary started feeling sick. She was tired, nauseous, and her boobs hurt like hell.
She started to have cramps late one afternoon when Bob suggests to her, "Why don't you try to go to the bathroom?" "Good idea," she thought to herself as she began heading towards the bathroom..
Thats when she discovered...her urine was green. She wasn't however, overly concerned..that is until later that month, when her husband noticed something.
"Babe...your vag smells like....I can't really put my finger on it...but...skunk? And I mean that in the nicest way possible..."
"No no no. Its ok; you smell it too!"
"yeaa...." he replies, his eyes averting to her vag. "It actually smells kind of...good. Like a grow room full of the most sparkly buds you've ever seen..."
and then? EUREKA!
"OH MY GOD...." Mary exclaims. "What if when I ate those seeds...."
Bob looks confused and then a wave of doubt comes over his face. " its impossible! You cant be....p-ppp-pprr." Bob began to stutter at the thought of what was coming.

The next morning Mary calls her OBGYN and makes an appointment to find out if the impossible is actually true.
Together, her and Bob walk hand in hand towards the exam room.
The doctor walks in and introduces himself.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Kevorkian, and I'll be preforming your ultrasound today", he says shaking their hands. As he stands up he notices an odd smell. "Do you guys smell that? Those damn janitors said they were going to put out traps! oh well....okay Ms.MaryJane, lets get you up here and see if we've got a baby! ok now this is going to be a bit cold...."
The doctor looks up at his monitor and appears stunned.
"What is it doctor? Whats wrong?" asked Mary.
The dotor said nothing, only turned the monitor around slowly towards her.

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"Mrs. Mary Jane...I dont know how this hapened...but it appears that you are pregnant with....marijuana?"

Bewildered, the couple leaves the office. Time ticks by and Mary's stomach is getting bigger and bigger. People would be expecting a could she possibly explain that she was pregnant not with a baby...but with...pot?
Within a month and a half, MaryJane had begun having severe stomach cramps. She thought perhaps using the bathroom would help alleviate her pain. Boy was she wrong. Almost immediately after standing up she felt something brush against her leg. She lifted her skirt, only to find a 5 fingered leaf hanging from her vag.
"BOB!" she yells.
Soon they were in the emergency room, Mary Jane being wheeled on a stretcher down to the labor room. Bob could hear her yelling all the way down the hallway - "NO! ITS TOO EARLY! THEY AREN'T DONE YET!". Soon after Mary's OBGYN comes dashing out from her labor room.
"Bob. We've delivered the first of your...babies? Planties? Either way, this one is healthy. Appears to have all its fingers, has a nice healthy green color to her, weighs in at 3.5oz."
"well thats great Dr. Kevorkian!"
"Sure...but..this next part is tough..." the doctor trailed off.
"Dr. Kevorkian.....? What is it?"
"Well...the first see, while in the womb, it dominated all of the other plants. So I'm afraid what I'm trying to say here, is... the next plant is having some...trouble. Since one plant dominated over the others it sucked up all of the nutrients from the food your wife was eating."
"What are you trying to say?"
"Mr. Bob...they...they aren't ready....they show severe signs of a cal mag deficiency and possible phosphorus. And the worst I dont see a single amber tric on her..."


And you me! :-D ...But ya cant be friends with foreigners is it? ;) lol.
I was a bit concerned when it hadnt been liked or commmented on after about 10 hours. Figured it may o bin too much f folks t handle! lol. Thats the best response ever man! Still havent stopped laughing!!! :-D I got my fella t read my version this morn and he just gave me a funny look and said"Bizarre" haha.

"and the worst news... i dont see an amber trich on her!" AMAZEBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Potential concept f chapter 3; Mary Jane dies giving birth after the remaining plants drain her of all nutes so the story focuses on the trials and tribulations of what its like to be a single parent to 8 young seedlings..... That will grow up to be Octuplants ;) haha.
And you me! :-D ...But ya cant be friends with foreigners is it? ;) lol.
I was a bit concerned when it hadnt been liked or commmented on after about 10 hours. Figured it may o bin too much f folks t handle! lol. Thats the best response ever man! Still havent stopped laughing!!! :-D I got my fella t read my version this morn and he just gave me a funny look and said"Bizarre" haha.

"and the worst news... i dont see an amber trich on her!" AMAZEBALLS!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D

Potential concept f chapter 3; Mary Jane dies giving birth after the remaining plants drain her of all nutes so the story focuses on the trials and tribulations of what its like to be a single parent to 8 young seedlings..... That will grow up to be Octuplants ;) haha.

I cant. All foreigners have cooties. -putting on the kid voice- EEEEEEEEEW COOTIES!

That is an excellent start to chapter 3. what about instead of going the single parent route, we have Mary die as she's delivering the last plant, and she gets reincarnated as that last baby plant. It could be like a cross between the movie 'how high' and 'little shop of horrors' lol my feller just got back from a business trip so I have yet to enlighten him in our recent escapades with Mary and Bob lol. Im sure he'll have a very similar reaction.
blink. blink blink. Bizarre. lol