Indoor automaria2 and speed devil grow journal :)

:no: LOL! No worries Mz. W'! Yup, it's bollocks alright, but unriped fortunately!...and hardly uncommon, from what I understand; Ive had a few do this on me as well, but what I found, I took fine point tweezers too and yanked (*ooof*), or ignored since they were about to be harvested... So, no, not a true hermie! ****:ama: Mother Nature has endless tricks up her sleeve, and sometimes a fully female plant, in sheer desperation (swoon- LOL!), will fire off some random funky nuts in an attempt to get knocked up before it's too late, when there are no boy-toys around to "service" her...:hump: ..... after all, that's her purpose in life, securing the next generation! :wiz:

whew. thank you for that. so what do you suppose I do? Pluck it or leave it *like i said, its onlly that one 'bunch' so far, as far as Ive seen* If its not hurting anything and is relatively common, i suppose I should leave it. If you've got a picture, I'd love to see the difference between the unripe and the ripe as far as herming goes.
:Sharing One: Hi! You're welcome my friend,... pluck it like an unwanted grey eyebrow hair! Honestly, I've not seen one of these get fully ripe in person, but their shape is a bit different than reg. pollen flowers... Male flowers have 4 (?) petals, a very simple flower; unopen they're little balls literally! Any luck and clarity with scoping your trich's?
I was just reading that if you pluck nanners from your plant you should spritz water on them cause it lessens the chance of spreading pollen around? Do you know anything about this? Im like...suuuper nervous about doing it (plucking it off) and the boy toy is away on a business trip til Friday night, so I cant make him do it lol Hell, I dont even think he knows, I cant remember the last time he went in to look at/check on them. But I was ALSO just reading, lol, that if you get nanners late in flower than chances are you let it flower for too may just be true for photos though because I know they are different than autos.

Regarding the trics - that was one of the things I typed earlier in the reply that ran away from me. It's not the amber color I have trouble noticing - it is/was the difference between clear and cloudy I have difficulty with. But you did clear it up for me a bit when you said that immature trics have a head on them as well just wasn't as round/developed as the cloudy and the latter amber. Gave me a better visual. I also said that I've been moving them one by one to the other side of the closet and turning on the blue cfl to check the think I need to take them out of the closet all together to check?
Just realised i wasnt even subbed t your thread! N theres me thinkin you were keepin all that glorious journalage to yourself, lol. Officially subbed now :-D
I see your fem has decided t start batting f the other team!! :bone: At least her balls aint dropped ;) lol.
Good luck with operation castration. Hope it all goes well mate :vibes:
another update on the hermie sit-chee-ayshun

So I just went to water/check on the girls. well...mainly to check on AM2 lol
I took her completely out of the closet until I figure out what to do.
I found a few more nanners, and some odd looking...growth type things lol. So I brought her into that connecting bathroom and thats where she shall remain until I figure out or someone (*coughWAIRAcough* lol) advises me as to if I should chop her being on day 59 of flower or if I should pluck 'n' pray? Cause Im reeeeeeeeeeeally starting to wonder.
Just realised i wasnt even subbed t your thread! N theres me thinkin you were keepin all that glorious journalage to yourself, lol. Officially subbed now :-D

I assumed you thought yourself too cool for me :roflcry:
I see your fem has decided t start batting f the other team!!
At least her balls aint dropped ;) lol.

ahahaha she takes after her mother LOL batting for the other team...not balls dropping lolololol

and thank you, thank you(: Im not entirely sure if I want to play nip tuck or if itd be more advised to just chop being she is or at least should be almost done...AAAAAAND I just read the following lol "In addition to this, if you do manage to pull the nanners off, the plant knows this, and since it already is throwing bananas, it goes into more of a defense mode and throws out even more of them than you previously had. At this point your bud growth has practically come to a halt because it keeps trying to reproduce the lost male flowers and form more in hopes to keep its species alive."
I assumed you thought yourself too cool for me :roflcry:

ahahaha she takes after her mother LOL batting for the other team...not balls dropping lolololol

and thank you, thank you(: Im not entirely sure if I want to play nip tuck or if itd be more advised to just chop being she is or at least should be almost done...AAAAAAND I just read the following lol "In addition to this, if you do manage to pull the nanners off, the plant knows this, and since it already is throwing bananas, it goes into more of a defense mode and throws out even more of them than you previously had. At this point your bud growth has practically come to a halt because it keeps trying to reproduce the lost male flowers and form more in hopes to keep its species alive."

Just cus I've subbed don't change the cool spectrum ;) rotflmao!!!
When you say mother do you mean the plant that birthed it was a hermie or that you are indeed a lesbian and/or sex change who refers t plants as offspring... Because from that sentence it could go either way :-p haha.

Seems you've got a bit o a dilemma :( How long ya got left?
Would have a gander but on my phone and it takes looooong t load if there are pics in the page, piece o crap.
Tis a bit shit youve got this far with your grow only t get shafted by a few ball bags in the penultimate leg :(
Have you asked f advice on staff live thread?
:no: okay, you are interfering with my baseball time! :ama: LMAO!! *** Honestly, I've never dealt with them beyond plucking,... who are you reading and quoting from? I know this: if you don't have nearly/mature male flowers, the pollen won't pop outta there like a puff-ball mushroom,... besides, it takes several weeks for seeds to mature; yes, the nanners show up late, near the harvest time, but a plant left to ripen and die on it's own would be alive for weeks still,... **Ah! Foxtailing is also something female flowers do late, and these new pics look like the early formation with pistils all wadded and crammed up in there,...which unfortunately, can resemble nanners too,... looking back at the thread pic,.... hmmm,... I could be wrong Mz. W,.... they all might be foxtail nubs just starting,... Big picture is, you got no worries until you see actual male flowers open, okay? Look them up if you've not already, ...unmistakeable! *** I stil prefer sunlight form trich' inspection,... find a sunny window, and have a peek! Otherwise, the CFL will work too,.... Back to BB!! :coffee2:

- - - Updated - - -

:no: okay, you are interfering with my baseball time! :ama: LMAO!! *** Honestly, I've never dealt with them beyond plucking,... who are you reading and quoting from? I know this: if you don't have nearly/mature male flowers, the pollen won't pop outta there like a puff-ball mushroom,... besides, it takes several weeks for seeds to mature; yes, the nanners show up late, near the harvest time, but a plant left to ripen and die on it's own would be alive for weeks still,... **Ah! Foxtailing is also something female flowers do late, and these new pics look like the early formation with pistils all wadded and crammed up in there,...which unfortunately, can resemble nanners too,... looking back at the thread pic,.... hmmm,... I could be wrong Mz. W,.... they all might be foxtail nubs just starting,... Big picture is, you got no worries until you see actual male flowers open, okay? Look them up if you've not already, ...unmistakeable! *** I stil prefer sunlight form trich' inspection,... find a sunny window, and have a peek! Otherwise, the CFL will work too,.... Back to BB!! :coffee2:
Chandy- lol no.... not lesbian perse...but to make an EXTREMELY long and complicated story short, I've had the boyfriend I have now for almost 5 years and he's only the 2nd boyfriend i've had in my 27 years lol So take that as you will-(if, for whatever reason you REEEEEEEEEEALLY wanted more details than that, I could PM you but trust me, you dont wanna go that route LOL.)
You know - I honestly have NO clue how much longer she's got left. She's sativa dominant and sativas will take longer to finish anyhow...and seeing as how the breeder finish times are a bunch of malarkey, I havent got the foggiest. To quote my only other AFN buddy Waira, lol,
she's done when she's done.

No one ever said you had to look and then reply! Baseball will rot your brain anyhow! :coffee2:

WHO am I reading/quoting from? lol IDK someone....:roflcry: cant recall the site where I read about wetting the nanners prior to yanking them, but the part I quoted to Chandy about how even if you successfully yank them, the plant knows and goes into over drive spitting out more than you had to start off with came from

Interestingly enough, the other day I was googling something - for the life of me I cant remember what- but I came across the foxtailing thing, however didnt pay much attention to it. Then you come outta the woodwork with some foxtail biz. I did do some reading last night, and attempted to look up pictures of it, but there aren't too many pictures from the beginning stages. I must agree that the last set of pictures do infact resemble what could be the start of a foxtail....

But the pictures in my post in the live help thread....that one 100% (to me) looks like a banana bunch. Which brings me to my next question. And you may not be able to fully answer this, im not sure. but can you explain how this whole...hermaphrodite thing works for me? lol and in layman's terms please? lol
So I get that some females will throw bananas in a last ditch effort to get knocked up near harvest.
TO ME lol in MY HEAD this is how I take that -
as a 90 year old woman on her death bed, whose uterus has just realized its about to die. lol so in one last desperate attempt, it stretches out of the old womans body in search for some swimmers so it can carry on the 'blood line' if you will. :roflcry: HOWEVER lol if there are no swimmers around, it shouldn't make a difference is the uterus is out and dressed up like a hooker, lol, there are no swimmers there by no baby.:roflcry:
So now lets apply this theory to AM2. She is closing in on harvest (death) so in a desperate attempt to carry on the species, she spits bananas (the uterus hahaha) trying to get pollinated (knocked up)....but there are no male plants with pollen around to do so ('swimmers' lol) why does it matter if there are bananas? I recall reading (somewhere, dont ask where lol) last night, that bananas DO contain pollen but is female pollen. So, again, TO ME lol, girl cum (female pollen) isn't going to get another girl prego (create seed on a female plant).
I mean...clearly plants aren't the same as people lol...but....ahh. I just dont get it lol.