:no: okay, you are interfering with my baseball time! :ama: LMAO!! *** Honestly, I've never dealt with them beyond plucking,... who are you reading and quoting from? I know this: if you don't have nearly/mature male flowers, the pollen won't pop outta there like a puff-ball mushroom,... besides, it takes several weeks for seeds to mature; yes, the nanners show up late, near the harvest time, but a plant left to ripen and die on it's own would be alive for weeks still,... **Ah! Foxtailing is also something female flowers do late, and these new pics look like the early formation with pistils all wadded and crammed up in there,...which unfortunately, can resemble nanners too,... looking back at the thread pic,.... hmmm,... I could be wrong Mz. W,.... they all might be foxtail nubs just starting,... Big picture is, you got no worries until you see actual male flowers open, okay? Look them up if you've not already, ...unmistakeable! *** I stil prefer sunlight form trich' inspection,... find a sunny window, and have a peek! Otherwise, the CFL will work too,.... Back to BB!!
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:no: okay, you are interfering with my baseball time! :ama: LMAO!! *** Honestly, I've never dealt with them beyond plucking,... who are you reading and quoting from? I know this: if you don't have nearly/mature male flowers, the pollen won't pop outta there like a puff-ball mushroom,... besides, it takes several weeks for seeds to mature; yes, the nanners show up late, near the harvest time, but a plant left to ripen and die on it's own would be alive for weeks still,... **Ah! Foxtailing is also something female flowers do late, and these new pics look like the early formation with pistils all wadded and crammed up in there,...which unfortunately, can resemble nanners too,... looking back at the thread pic,.... hmmm,... I could be wrong Mz. W,.... they all might be foxtail nubs just starting,... Big picture is, you got no worries until you see actual male flowers open, okay? Look them up if you've not already, ...unmistakeable! *** I stil prefer sunlight form trich' inspection,... find a sunny window, and have a peek! Otherwise, the CFL will work too,.... Back to BB!!