New Grower AutoCobs/AutoPots in 4x4 Tent, Unboxing and Setup

An operational tip..... Your lines are bound to gunk up and block at one point or another, a syringe is handy to clear 'em with a little back blowing....unless of course you know someone close with compressor style lungs.... Probably need some sort of soft silicone adapter with the rigid poly tubing....

You may also find depending on how much access you have to your tent, from how many sides, that keeping the trays with the aqua valve pointed towards the center rather than the sidewalls will ease inspection access, especially when the plants has gotten girthy.... Bless 'em....

Thanks, Corgy. Just the sort of tips I'm looking for. I do know someone with air compressor lungs--never saw a bong he couldn't clear--but it's probably easier to keep the syringe handy in a pinch. Yeah not sure about the material of that tubing, the diameter is right but it's obviously not the material that the autopot manufacturers spec'd out.

My tent opens wide on I think three sides, hadn't thought of that but it does sound easier than going in the front door.
The only issue I see is that being clear it will allow the light in compared to the black which is more light proof. Great tips corgy
Hey guys thanks for the great tips! Just settled in for long tolk on some blueberry that was just lying around in a jar. It's not going to smoke itself folks! :pass:

I'm going to try to rip through the unboxing pics. I'd like to catch up to real time on this thread so you guys can follow along with the exciting setup bits--I'm doing some work in the basement this weekend!
If you're just joing us, we unboxed the autopots yesterday so I'm going to proceed to the nutes and medium. The nutrient setup I went with is the Advanced Nutrients Sensi line with a few additions, it is again 100% coped from @Hansbricks fantastic autopot runs and I will be copying his feeding schedule as closely as possible. Here is a pic of all the nutes I ordered from Amazon.


I also ordered some pH test solution but it never came. I will get that refunded on Amazon and probably order a test meter instead, if someone has a favorite meter I'm open to any recommendations!
If you're not familiar, the base nutrients for this system come in an A and B part system. When the two parts are mixed together they automatically balance the pH of your feeding solution. It's supposed to be foolproof but trust me if anyone can put that to the test, it's me!

Here's the Grow formulation that you start with

I was really impressed with the labelling on all the AN products, really helps for a beginner to have some clear directions

Here's the bloom formula

Back of the bloom label
@SPZ did you happen to get the Airdomes to use in the Autopots also?

Hey bushmaster. I did not order the airdomes and I'm glad you brought them up. I'm torn. On the one hand there are some reports on other forums of folks who have done a side by side test with and without the airdomes and saw no difference in yield. I'm not keen to add any unnecessary complexity. On the other hand Hans used the airdomes on my model grow and there ain't no arguing with his results.

I was considering, as an alternative, putting an airstone in a five gallon bucket and oxygenating water before I mixed it with the nutes and added it to the reservoir. Kind of a pre-stage for the water. This is a trick I think ATrain mentioned on another thread that is also good for getting chlorine out of city water. From my research, you are not supposed to put an airstone in the reservoir cause it can cause the pH to shift, but you are supposed to put a submersible pump to keep the nutrients mixed.
While we are on the subject of water, I don't have any kind of filtration or reverse osmosis set up yet. I am blessed to live in the country and have good well water that comes from a natural spring. I'm hoping to get away with just using well water, at least for the first grow or two. I bought that Cal/Mag supliment based on Han's grow, but I realize now that he uses RO water and I may not actually need to add Cal/Mag.

I ordered a water report when I bought my house. I don't really know how to read it but most of the parameters seem to be nominal for growing based on my googling around. Anyone who knows how to read this or knows more about testing water please speak up by all means!
I also ordered the "Hobbyist Kit" from the AN line that is sold on amazon. This kit really makes you feel like you are growing some marijuana, lol. These are the micro nutes that supplement the base nutes. Han's uses I think 3/4 of these in the grow I'm imitating.


VooDoo Juice Beneficial Bacteria, top feed to seedlings


Vitamin B supplement


OverDrive for the end of the flowering


My favorite, Big Bud. Can only imagine what this does :eyebrows:
